TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

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TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

Seeing that TRON LEGACY was one of the only good "reboots"/remakes we've seen in a long time, I'm happy this is finally happening. Hopefully we get a better video game tie-in to go with it 8)

Kosinski directing is also a serious plus... ... vancouver/

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Re: TRON 3 (Finally) Shooting this Fall -- Kosinski Directin

#2 Post by Paul MacLean »

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Re: TRON 3 (Finally) Shooting this Fall -- Kosinski Directin

#3 Post by Monterey Jack »

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Re: TRON 3 (Finally) Shooting this Fall -- Kosinski Directin

#4 Post by AndyDursin »

Olivia's back...nice. Who cares about the other guy. ... und-786680

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Re: TRON 3 (Finally) Shooting this Fall -- Kosinski Directin

#5 Post by AndyDursin »

Guess TOMORROWLAND lead to this. A shame. ... ron-798941

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#6 Post by Monterey Jack »

Considering how mediocre the first two were, I'm not losing any sleep over it. And I'm sure Disney will appreciate not flushing another $300 million down the toilet.

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#7 Post by AndyDursin »

TRON LEGACY may not have been a smash but it still generated plenty of money worldwide -- more than Lone Ranger, John Carter, and it'll certainly outgross Tomorrowland also. It also -- at least domestically -- made more coin than X-MEN FIRST CLASS, THE WOLVERINE, both HULKS and nearly as much as both the first THOR and CAPTAIN AMERICA. So the notion that it was a bomb, which you see people float out there, is totally off-base.

Disney has more money than virtually any organization on the planet, there's no reason they had to bail just because TOMORROWLAND sucked the big one. I did find TRON LEGACY entertaining -- loved the score and the visuals, and I like Kosinski's visceral style, which stands out in today's sea of green-screen mediocrity. I also found it sufficiently different than most of the crap that's been sent our way every week by most of these studios. It took some chances visually, and again, the score is one of the few things I've actually liked in the last 5-10 years.

I also find it frustrating because this just cements the same Disney formula they'll be bringing us for years if not decades to come:

-Sequels sequels sequels sequels
-Pixar animated films
-Disney animated films
-Girl power live-action fairy tales
-Marvel comic book movies growing increasingly stale
-Star Wars flicks now made by focus groups

Thanks to the commercial failure of TOMORROWLAND, JOHN CARTER and LONE RANGER, the chances of them trying to do anything outside of those categories is pretty much nil now. If they're not going to do a third TRON after the second one did pretty well, you can forget about anything else coming out of them.

If it's not something that's going to make a billion dollars and be as much of a smash in China as it is in the U.S., they're not going to make it. It's globalization, baby! And filmmaking suffers as a result...

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#8 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:I also find it frustrating because this just cements the same Disney formula they'll be bringing us for years if not decades to come:

-Sequels sequels sequels sequels you bemoan the loss of a third Tron movie. 8)

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#9 Post by AndyDursin »

Like I said I think Kosinski has a distinctive style and Tron Legacy wasn't a retread. I was genuinely inretested in what he would do with another installment.

Anyway I'm sure they'll fill in the gap with some D-list Marvel characters or another overrated animated movie like Frozen. Ant Man is going to be fantastic I can tell already Lol...that will probably get something else canceled.

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#10 Post by Monterey Jack »

Yeah, but the problem is, if any "original" Disney movie does make enough money, it's going to get sequeled to death. Remember how much fun the first Pirates Of The Caribbean was? And how we were all looking forward to the sequels? Look how well that turned out. :shock: That's just the nature of the beast...we'd be getting Tomorrowland Never Dies, John Carter: A Princess Of Mars and The Lone Ranger: Eating More Hearts if any of those films had hit at the box office. And, again, the first two Tron movies just aren't...very...good. :? I never saw the original until shortly before Disney yanked it off of Netflix before the sequel came out, so there's no childhood nostalgia clouding the issue, but take away the CGI that must have been a big wow to the Pac-Man generation, and it's not a very interesting story at all. And Legacy doesn't offer much else, with a bland lead and an ugly Teal & Orange color scheme that's already dated only five years later (thank goodness that awful little color-timing trend has finally receded). The Daft Punk score is great, but I can listen to the CD for that. It's not just Disney, either...everyone is supposedly sick of remakes and sequels, and yet whenever an original film makes enough money, everyone is suddenly clamoring for moremoremore!!!, and it becomes Just Another Franchise. :roll:

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#11 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:Like I said I think Kosinski has a distinctive style and Tron Legacy wasn't a retread. I was genuinely inretested in what he would do with another installment.
I'd rather see him do another original movie (well, as "original" as something like Oblivion was :P). Aside from Indiana Jones and the second Jurassic Park, Steven Spielberg has NEVER made a sequel, and I admire him for that...I see a movie for his name on the poster, not because of any "branding" see a new story with new character viewed through his distinctive-yet-malleable style. It kind of annoys me to see a talented filmmaker get chewed up in the cogs of franchise fever...when will we ever see Sam Raimi do something small and personal again?

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#12 Post by AndyDursin »

And Legacy doesn't offer much else, with a bland lead and an ugly Teal & Orange color scheme that's already dated only five years later (thank goodness that awful little color-timing trend has finally receded). The Daft Punk score is great, but I can listen to the CD for that.
It's definitely not a great movie, no. But I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than the likes of AGE OF ULTRON, STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS, and most of the reboots we've seen over the last few years. It was cool looking, the action was impressive, the score was great. Who cares about Hedlund when you had Olivia Wilde plus Michael Sheen vamping it up. And I'm also someone who's never been a big fan of the original TRON. I saw it as a kid -- and guess what, I didn't like it! (I'm always surprised by how often you say "childhood nostalgia" -- as if kids like everything they see...that wasn't the case with me). LEGACY was a more satisfying fantasy for what it was than the 1982 film, even if -- lie the original -- it's atypical for a Disney movie in terms of its style and story.

I'm not going on a crusade over it -- but I liked it. I like the video game component, I'd like to hear another score like what Daft Punk came up with (now we'll never get that -- thanks TOMORROWLAND!). Why did they have to cancel this when Disney makes so much crap otherwise...garbage like PRINCE OF PERSIA, SORCERER'S APPRENTICE, on and on. That's whats frustrating.
It's not just Disney, either
Disney is still the standard bearer right now though for regurgitating product. The Marvel line is going to wear itself out but they've got it pegged for the next 5 years running. They'll be giving us more Star Wars than anyone ever wanted before. They're also sequelizing Pixar movies, which they never did before, whether it's CARS, MONSTERS INC, a now endless array of TOY STORY sequels, the next FINDING NEMO, etc. Then they're going to crank out another FROZEN.

TOMORROWLAND is definitely a dud -- it's made less than MAD MAX every day since Monday -- and the one thing with Disney: when they fail with something, it'll trickle down to everything else they have in their pipeline. There will be fewer chances taken, more formulas to fall back on.
It kind of annoys me to see a talented filmmaker get chewed up in the cogs of franchise fever...w
It annoys me as well, but that's the way of the world in 2015. There are fewer and fewer films with any kind of personal stamp on them, and the recycle route is where most of them are going. Instead of Steven Spielberg we've got JJ Abrams -- who's done nothing but recycle other franchises (Star Trek, Star Wars, Mission Impossible) or other people's material (Super 8, "found footage Godzilla" in Cloverfield). As a director, what the hell has he really EVER done? Certainly nothing original, nothing we haven't seen before...yet he's held up by some people like he's today's visionary director. It's really sad. He hasn't accomplished anything in terms of putting a unique, original cinematic expression on-screen. Instead he's the Reboot King, not because he's particularly brilliant but because he doesn't soil the source least into INTO DARKNESS came along. The bar, as they say, has been lowered...

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#13 Post by sprocket »

As conservative as Disney is, aren't they just making the decision to concentrate on their new recipe for success: turn their classic animated films into live action ones?

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Re: TRON 3 Dead - Disney Pulls Plug

#14 Post by AndyDursin »

Interesting article on Tron 3's plot and an interview with Joseph Kosinski on the status and possibility it might ever get made. Bottom line is if this was another studio we'd have probably seen it but Disney is only interested in making movies that make billions instead of millions.

Here's hoping at least...

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