Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

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Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

Never bothered to start a thread as I couldn't care less about this collective body of nominees, having found everything from ARRIVAL (boring, grossly overrated) to LA LA LAND (interminably dull, overpraised and unappealingly scored) to be unworthy of much discussion IMO. That said, if anyone is watching and has any comments, go ahead and share.

No matter what...please don't let Ryan Gosling win. Please. please. please. :lol:

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Michael Strahan calls Matt Damon "BEN" in the Red Carpet pre-show. :lol:

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#3 Post by AndyDursin »

As the husband of a nurse who works her rear end off, I can tell Viola Davis emphatically no, your profession is NOT the only one that celebrates living a life. Talk about insulting.

BTW Davis seems to be "acting!" as Jon Lovitz used to say no matter if she's on screen or accepting an award. Good for her but she really shouldn't have been in the Supporting category anyway.

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#4 Post by Paul MacLean »

This is the first year since my teens that I did not watch the show.

Of the films with multiple nominations I've only seen Arrival (which I didn't like), none of the score nominees are of interest to me, and I have no desire to watch Meryl Streep start preaching again.

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#5 Post by AndyDursin »

I will say Kimmel paying homage to WE BOUGHT A ZOO was pretty funny...

The fact SUICIDE SQUAD is now an Oscar winner though is perhaps the most surprising development. Lol

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#6 Post by AndyDursin »

I seriously cannot believe what I just watched. An all time embarrassment for the Oscars and award shows in general. Lololol

Please roll the tape back and watch the look on Emma Stone's face as they are being told they actually didn't win.

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#7 Post by Eric Paddon »

I'm only piecing this together from a couple Twitter things, but if I'm reading this right, it does indeed sound worthy of a Jack Buck, "I DON'T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW!"

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#8 Post by Eric Paddon »

Well maybe it's only appropriate that Bonnie and Clyde themselves were trying to rob someone. :)

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#9 Post by AndyDursin »

At first, it was surreal -- a few different guys in headsets started making their way through the LA LA LAND contingent that was on stage, accepting the Best Picture Oscar. Then they took a long shot of the arena, then cut back and you could see Emma Stone and others with this incredulous look on their faces. Slowly -- and this is what is so shocking, because it seemed like it took an eternity to happen -- they said they made a mistake and MOONLIGHT actually won Best Picture.

This brought Warren Beatty to the mic, to explain he wasn't "trying to be funny," that the envelope he was handed had Emma Stone's name on it (she had just won Best Actress for LA LA LAND). Jimmy Kimmel tried to diffuse everything by quipping "Warren, what have you done!?!?". Then the MOONLIGHT crew took the stage, gave their acceptance speeches...but by then, it was too late to take anything back, the situation was blown. (I wonder if it was Faye Dunaway's fault...she actually read it)

This was far, far worse than Steve Harvey or Travolta a few years ago. Absolutely stunning to watch play out. How they were not prepared in the event of a "flub" -- and why it took THAT LONG to get straightened out -- was embarrassing. A new standard for incompetence!

EDIT -- here it is!

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#10 Post by AndyDursin »

I think Beatty is absolutely screwed. Emma Stone gave an interview afterwards and said she had her envelope in-hand. If you watch the replay, the guy SNATCHES the card -- angrily -- out of Beatty's hand and holds it up to the camera with "Moonlight" clearly written on it.

What a few people have said was that the moment was made even more surreal because they thought it was a Kimmel gag at first.

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#11 Post by Eric Paddon »

The Russian government tampered with the Academy election process!! :) (After all, Beatty is the guy who made "Reds"!!!!)

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#12 Post by AndyDursin »

Watching it again, it is staggering how/why it took SO LONG for them to figure out it was a mistake. How do you have all these producers working on this show let these people get up, get out on stage, and start delivering acceptance speeches for MINUTES on end before they start milling about? Then some LA LA LAND guy says "oh well, we lost anyway..."

THAT is really what's amazing about watching that disaster. Not just that it was a total screw-up, but that it was a painful, prolonged experience to sit through. Not to mention a total embarrassment for the LA LA LAND people, and the robbing of a "moment" for the people who made MOONLIGHT.

This one's on Beatty and the people producing the show for screwing up, then not being prepared and not doing nearly enough to address the problem.

If Beatty truly WAS handed Emma Stone/Best Actress and the wrong envelope -- shouldn't he have realized it wasn't right? Shouldn't he have realized he was reading the BEST PICTURE winner? LOL. Bad job either way by him, no matter what he was handed!

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#13 Post by Eric Paddon »

I'm reminded of this gaffe on an old game show where ironically the category that caused all the trouble was "Famous Losers".

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#14 Post by AndyDursin »

lol that's funny

Jimmy Kimmel says Beatty did actually have a BEST ACTRESS, EMMA STONE card in-hand. Again though -- even if Beatty had that -- why did he read it, hand it to Dunaway, etc.? Shouldn't he have realized it didn't say BEST PICTURE on it? Maybe I'm just giving him too much credit for being able to, you know, think that if he didn't have the BEST PICTURE card in the envelope, he should've figured out something was amiss! LOL

Anyway -- tweet of the night!

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Re: Oscars 2017 - Better Late Than Never Edition

#15 Post by Eric Paddon »


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