Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

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Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

Just what we need! :lol:

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#2 Post by AndyDursin »

To avoid any confusion...
These new films will be separate from both the episodic Skywalker saga and the recently-announced trilogy being developed by Rian Johnson, writer-director of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Also separate from all the "fill in" movies like Rogue One and Solo too. Lol

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#3 Post by Eric Paddon »

"Star Wars, nothing but Star Wars!"

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#4 Post by tjguitar85 »

I guess if people keep buying movie tickets, they'll keep pumping out films.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#5 Post by AndyDursin »

Continuous reboots and sequels are easy ways to make money in the short term but will be bad for the industry in the long term. Once nerds grow old, the audience will go with them. They are catering to the crowd that's there now but not cultivating the future with the mediocre retreads they are serving up.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#6 Post by Paul MacLean »

All these sequels and "requels" seem destined to be the cinema equivalent of daytime soap operas -- i.e. made cheaply and quickly in rapid succession to satisfy the demands of an audience, but with little regard for artistry and originality.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#7 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:21 pm Continuous reboots and sequels are easy ways to make money in the short term but will be bad for the industry in the long term. Once nerds grow old, the audience will go with them. They are catering to the crowd that's there now but not cultivating the future with the mediocre retreads they are serving up.
That's the trap of catering to nostalgia 24/7...what genuinely "new" products for today's generations of kids will be still be remembered 20 or 30 years from now? :? I somehow doubt that there'll be a demand to see a 55-year-old Jennifer Lawrence suiting up for a belated Hunger Games sequel in 2042. :lol: Yeah, a lot of the stuff we grew up with was already cribbed from earlier sources (adventure serials for Raiders, Flash Gordon, Tolkien and Kurosawa for Star Wars), but they at least crafted solid stories with engaging characters. Once the current big Marvel actors have finished up their contracts, who's really going to be showing up for increasingly marginal characters like Ant-Man or Dr. Strange? Right now, those characters can be folded into the larger "Marvelverse", but 10 years from now, who's going to be up for a third or fourth entry of those particular characters? And even when something fresh and original does come out, it's immediately fast-tracked for a sequel, thus turning it into yet more corporate "product". I loved Baby Driver, but have no interest in an already-planned sequel to a movie that was a perfectly constructed "One & Done" experience. And they're making a sequel to Sicario?! :shock: Great little thriller, but...why? Did it make that much money that I wasn't aware of? Did it do gangbusters business in China?

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#8 Post by AndyDursin »

That's the trap of catering to nostalgia 24/7...what genuinely "new" products for today's generations of kids will be still be remembered 20 or 30 years from now? :? I somehow doubt that there'll be a demand to see a 55-year-old Jennifer Lawrence suiting up for a belated Hunger Games sequel in 2042.
Exactly. Or a STAR WARS movie with Rey 30 years from now.

Kids today don't have the love for STAR WARS kids who grew up with the 1977 movie did. It's not even close. These new films are making money but they are not making a "societal impact" the way STAR WARS did. I mean, the toy sales aren't even meeting expectations, and it's because kids don't have the connection. What characters are they supposed to care about? Where's the spark, that connection kids had with R2D2? They trot out these cute creatures in THE LAST JEDI -- who are on-screen for about 45 seconds and are forgotten as quickly as the film ends.

In terms of the whole "nostalgia" thing -- I think that's the lamest excuse Hollywood has for feeding people this crap. They keep saying they are "giving people what they want" but I disagree. They are frankly OUT OF IDEAS. STAR WARS is making money -- well great, it's STAR WARS. It doesn't take much. Beyond that, so many of these attempted remakes have fizzled totally.

Creatively we are in the most bankrupt era in contemporary entertainment. The dearth of quality, innovative ideas is everywhere, from the big-screen to TV (look, it's a "Black Magnum" reboot! Awesome!).
Yeah, a lot of the stuff we grew up with was already cribbed from earlier sources (adventure serials for Raiders, Flash Gordon, Tolkien and Kurosawa for Star Wars), but they at least crafted solid stories with engaging characters.
Sometimes you see people use that as an argument to justify the reboots of today, but its not really accurate, because you have to remember those serials were grade B budgeted (or less) cheapies a lot of the time. When STAR WARS and RAIDERS came out, it was the first time audiences had really seen that kind of Saturday Matinee adventure done on the scale of a truly high budget production with cutting edge FX and symphonic Williams scores. There was humor but it wasn't camp. It treated the subject seriously while still having fun. The roots were in the past but the product was FRESH, it wasn't something that had been done to death or was presented in that kind of way ever before.

Now we've got copies of copies and not stories that need to be told but release dates that Disney shareholders need to meet. Like I've written before, there is no artistic pretense in these films at all, and it does at least make you admire Lucas' restraint for so many years. He could've just tapped into the well and made a sequel every year but felt no creative impulse to do so. I'm sure hes probably kicking himself today that he didn't. If I were him I wouldve kept creative control and let others make these films and reap the financial benefits.

As it is, Disney has followed THE LAST JEDI -- which the hardcore fanbase generally disliked, to put it mildly -- with a true nostalgia prequel movie in SOLO, but man, it's such a fast turnaround. It'll be interesting to see if a 6 month hangover is enough for the fans who disliked TLJ so intently to go and pay to see SOLO...but obviously the STAR WARS brand is still strong. People don't need to actually like the movie for it to be excessively profitable, they'll go see it anyway (Like TLJ)...but that's for now.

Keep feeding audiences garbage product and those grosses are going to decline. Those are the possible long-term effects that could be truly devastating for the industry -- once we hit the 25th Marvel movie and 15th Star Wars movie in 2021...when audience viewing habits and tastes change...and they've got nothing else to fall back on.
And they're making a sequel to Sicario?! :shock: Great little thriller, but...why? Did it make that much money that I wasn't aware of? Did it do gangbusters business in China?
I'm surprised also but if you crunch the numbers I guess it makes sense, $30 mil budget and $84 mil international gross. Doesn't look like much but when factoring in home video/on-demand/etc., the profit is probably beyond 3x the production cost so that's money in the bank. There are plenty of really massive-budgeted films that never get to the 3x multiplier, which is why we don't see sequels to them.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#9 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:04 am In terms of the whole "nostalgia" thing -- I think that's the lamest excuse Hollywood has for feeding people this crap. They keep saying they are "giving people what they want" but I disagree. They are frankly OUT OF IDEAS. STAR WARS is making money -- well great, it's STAR WARS. It doesn't take much. Beyond that, so many of these attempted remakes have fizzled totally.
Look at the Independence Day sequel...the original movie itself was a wan retread of Star Wars and 70's disaster flicks, given a then-contemporary CGI polish. Shorn of that technical innovation two decades later, and there was NOTHING left for audiences to hold onto...not the paper-thin characterizations, nor the grand-scale Disater Porn sequences that still had a novelty factor in 1996 (finally, a disaster movie where the collapsing buildings don't look like paper mache model kits!) but, by 2016, had been done to death.

Hell, even the Star Wars prequels suffered from this...the anticipation of what Lucas would do with the recently discovered miracle of CGI was off the charts, but by the end of Phantom Menace, even those who admired the technical achievements of the film realized they were just an expensive coat of paint slapped onto a thin, confusing narrative populated by dull characters who had none of the scrappy charm of the OT.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#10 Post by AndyDursin »

Hell, even the Star Wars prequels suffered from this...the anticipation of what Lucas would do with the recently discovered miracle of CGI was off the charts, but by the end of Phantom Menace, even those who admired the technical achievements of the film realized they were just an expensive coat of paint slapped onto a thin, confusing narrative populated by dull characters who had none of the scrappy charm of the OT.
Nah I like the prequels. Guilty as charged! lol. In fact I like them even more now after three of these Disney products.

You're right, they didn't have the charm of the OT, but the prequels also told a very different story (a less entertaining one, granted). I know you thought THE LAST JEDI's dislike was driven by fans who didn't like being "out of their comfort zone" more or less, but the prequels really did not resemble the OT at all. And yeah, Christensen was dull, and the love story (and pretty much everything in CLONES) was lame -- but there were some pockets of real inspiration in the first and especially the third, and at least a legitimate, and fresh, story that wasn't a soulless rehash as these Disney films have been. I give Lucas credit for that. They weren't what some people wanted, but they came out of an honest place and did not recycle. (Disney recognized "what people wanted" and made THE FORCE AWAKENS as an utter retread of STAR WARS itself -- talk about a coat of paint, that movie had not one idea in its brain other than recycling what came before. As fun as it was the first time, it doesn't perform under repeat viewings, and without an audience, at all IMO).

I think Lucas' big mistake with those films was not creating some secondary characters for the audience to identify with. I've written this before, but Han Solo provided an identifiable "human" center that played off the other characters, as well as the epic, eventially stoic journey of Luke becoming a Jedi. The prequels didn't have anyone like that, and Christensen's casting was a misfire on top of it. That role could've worked with a more emotive, sympathetic lead, but he just didn't have "it".

Yet I still think the prequels are worthy of reappraisal, especially considering the abundant shortcomings of these Disney films (TLJ especially). And even if there are weak moments, they've got interesting visuals and certainly far more ambitious, and thematically satisfying, scores by Williams than either of his Disney outings to compensate.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#11 Post by Eric Paddon »

Toy sales are never going to be that great as back then for the simple reason that back then, the toys were sold in the pre-home video era and were the only way for kids to re-experience the film after it was gone from theaters forever (and would be years away from being on TV). Today's kids can just watch the film over and over and not feel compelled to use their imaginations in the same way.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#12 Post by Monterey Jack »

Eric Paddon wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:21 pm Toy sales are never going to be that great as back then for the simple reason that back then, the toys were sold in the pre-home video era and were the only way for kids to re-experience the film after it was gone from theaters forever (and would be years away from being on TV). Today's kids can just watch the film over and over and not feel compelled to use their imaginations in the same way.
This is an excellent point. This is also why movies (even huge, smash hit ones) vanish from theaters in under two months...why pay another $10-$16 for a second viewing in theaters when it will be on an extras-crammed, high-quality Blu-Ray for the same price four months from now? It used to mean something to have the "theatrical experience" (proper aspect ratio, multi-channel sound, huge screen, not "edited for content" for an ABC showing four years later) in the era when a crummy VHS tape with bad tracking was the only way to see a film after it left theaters, but when a reasonably large HD TV and decent surround sound setup can be had for under a thousand bucks, it's becoming less and less of an "event" to see a movie at the theater...to say nothing of the piss-poor offerings at the ticket counter! :?

The home theater explosion also cut into something else from our childhoods that doesn't really exist anymore (or in the same capacity)...movie novelizations. Back in the 80's, they were often the only way you could re-experience a movie (albeit one that often differed wildly from the final film, usually including aspects of the early screenplay drafts or deleted scenes that were dropped), but once VHS became affordable in the early 90's, they mostly faded away. Same thing with reading MAD Magazine...sometimes, my childhood memories of a particular film will have been shaped by the parody that MAD would do, often one I would have read before seeing the movie in question! To this day, I still remember the Rehash Of The Jeti send-up, where Luke says to Leia, "Hey, guess what? You're my sister and Darth Vader's my Dad and Han's my brother and Chewie's my dog and Artoo's my old Hoover vacuum cleaner, and..." :lol:

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#13 Post by AndyDursin »

I don't know about that. Every time I show Theo an episode of Land Before Time he spends three times as long playing with his dinosaurs right afterwards. Same thing with Thomas, he's right on those as soon as it's over (if not beforehand). :lol: The viewing seems to encourage playtime, not discourage it at least so far from my limited time as a parent ;)

With Star Wars, what they found is it's not even kids buying the toys, it's the adult nerd collector. But once the toys are out and they get their hands on them, the sales drop off substantially. I'm sure they still did well but they were apparently well under projections. Also a byproduct of mediocre product that kids just don't care about that much.

I definitely agree with the larger point on movie tieins and even soundtracks being hugely diminished as the years have progressed and viewing habits have changed. Those things were souvenirs of the film for people to relive the movie when it wasn't available to them outside the theater. A relic of a bygone time increasingly...much like the whole concept of theatrical rereleases which started dying out with the coming of home video in the early mid 80s too.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#14 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:54 pmI definitely agree with the larger point on movie tieins and even soundtracks being hugely diminished as the years have progressed and viewing habits have changed. Those things were souvenirs of the film for people to relive the movie when it wasn't available to them outside the theater. A relic of a bygone time increasingly...much like the whole concept of theatrical rereleases which started dying out with the coming of home video in the early mid 80s too.
Thirty years ago, you'd buy a movie soundtrack to re-live the experience, because each movie would have a score (or collection of songs) unique to it, but now, with 90% of film music all sounding the same... :?

And, yeah, I miss the days when a classic movie would get re-issued every seven years or so. Disney kept the tradition going well into the 90's for their animated films (I still remember them re-issuing The Little Mermaid on almost the same weekend Fox's Anastasia dropped, in a craven attempt to crush the competition), but once the DVD revolution happened, it was all she wrote. I was happy when CE3K was re-issued for about two weeks last year, as I had never had the chance to see it on the big screen. :) Provided that the projection is up to par and the audience is respectful, there's nothing like seeing an old classic with a big crowd, like when I saw Jaws in 2015 for its 40th anniversary.

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Re: Disney Announces ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy from Game of Thrones Writers

#15 Post by AndyDursin »

Disney announced this will be the next STAR WARS film in 2022.

Given how the two of these guys are faring with the much-criticized GAME OF THRONES final season, the best you can say right now is that at least it's not Rian Johnson.

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