A QUIET PLACE Sequel - May 2020

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A QUIET PLACE Sequel - May 2020

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

Of the myriad of Super Bowl trailers, this is pretty much the only one that looked fairly intriguing...John Krasinski directs and stars with his wife Emily Blunt:

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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Headed for an opening near $50 mil, looks like one of 2018's surprise hits already. In addition to excellent reviews.

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#3 Post by Monterey Jack »

Both looking forward to the movie itself and dreading the theater experience, with all of the supposed hushed silences to no doubt be filled with rustling popcorn bags, shrieking and giggling. :? It's gonna be The Strangers: Prey At Night all over again...

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#4 Post by AndyDursin »

Could be worse because this is PG-13!

I would love to check this out, but I am absolutely avoiding a 7pm show for the reasons you cited and 10pm is too late. As usual there's nothing inbetween! :evil:

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#5 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:11 am Could be worse because this is PG-13!

I would love to check this out, but I am absolutely avoiding a 7pm show for the reasons you cited and 10pm is too late. As usual there's nothing inbetween! :evil:
Two of the best horror movie experiences I have had in recent memory were when I saw matinees of Crimson Peak and Annabelle: Creation, and that was solely because I was the only person at my particular screenings both times. :P

The only time in the last decade I've been in a moderately-packed house at a horror movie and the audience was respectful and quiet was when I saw the first Conjuring. Theater was maybe 2/3rds full on an opening-day matinee, and aside from exhalations of anticipation/fear at appropriate spots, the whole theater seeded totally absorbed in what was transpiring on the screen. No cell phone ringtones went off, no nervous giggling, no ten-year-olds crying, no "Don't go in there!" catcalling...it was an amazing experience, akin to what I imagine watching horror movies in the 70's was like, before the slasher movie cycle of the 80's, where the habit of treating horror films as a "ride" began. :? My recent viewing of The Strangers: Prey At Night was AWFUL, and only because there was this group of teens or early twentysomethings a few rows back (maybe a dozen or so) who all came in together and provided to laugh at EVERYTHING. There's a "cheesy" 80's song on the soundtrack? Hilarious! An incapacitated character is facing down imminent death and is pleading for his life? HYSTERICAL! What an excruciating experience. :x And I know this makes me sound EXACTLY like my parents probably did when I was a kid, but now I know where they were coming from, and it's gotten far worse in the era where theaters are being treated like living rooms by bored kids who stream 90% of the media they consume and would rather watch the five-inch screen in their pocket than the fifty-foot screen they ostensibly paid to see.

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#6 Post by KevinEK »

A. Regarding A Quiet Place, I've read some good things about it from friends who have seen it, but curiously have not actually HEARD anything. For some reason, people are being a bit hush-hush on this one...

B. Regarding loud and boisterous audiences, I still remember friends of mine in high school being kicked out of a showing of "Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors" for making a spectacle of themselves. I did not attend that (I've never seen a single Elm Street movie) but I was told by the guys that they literally had to stop the projectors and the manager came down looking for someone he called "Mr. Rambunctious!" As an adult today, I would find this really annoying. Frankly, even as a teenager, I would find that really annoying. On the other hand, I remember Derek Van Lint discussing a showing of ALIEN in 1979 in New York where they got to the final fifteen minutes of the movie and the moment where Ripley hears Jones meowing over the intercom. According to Van Lint, a LOUD voice was heard from the first few rows yelling "LEAVE the #%$@ing cat!!!" Van Lint says in that interview that it was at that moment that he figured Ridley had a "a fairly successful movie" happening...

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#7 Post by KevinEK »

On a more serious note, I am seeing very good feedback for this. In a different way from Get Out. People have simply said “See it” without spoiling anything, and that’s always a good sign.

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#8 Post by Monterey Jack »


Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. :D

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#9 Post by AndyDursin »

I'm seeing it now. Got panicked when I saw literally 17 teenage girls going into the theater....turned out they were all at TRUTH OR DARE instead.

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#10 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:40 pm I'm seeing it now. Got panicked when I saw literally 17 teenage girls going into the theater....turned out they were all at TRUTH OR DARE instead.
Dodged a bullet, dude. :lol:

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#11 Post by AndyDursin »

You said it! No issues with the audience thankfully. Our only problem was the idiots put the movie next to RAMPAGE so the sound bleed of moaning gorillas could be felt throughout. Morons! :twisted: I look forward to seeing this at home in 4K in a couple of months.

Needless to say, that movie delivered in a huge way. Unquestionably one of the best films of recent years -- a tight, well written script that gave every character a purpose and yet only a couple of things felt contrived. It's more suspense than horror, though the overwhelming mood was suffocating. The way Krasinski layered the script, it suggested things, but never felt the need to spell everything out. In today's hyper-franchise corporate filmmaking world, it seems like these "micro budgeted" films are the only place they truly give a director freedom, and you can tell everything in the movie felt authentic and from a singular point of view. It's such a smart screenplay too, using narrative devices (like the "point of view" soundfield Krasinski bounces from the family to the aliens) that are so organically worked in, that you don't feel as if it's all just a lead in to something down the road. And of course, it is, but it's done in such a way that the reality is only heightened.

It's nearly like a "War of the Worlds" from the viewpoint of a rural farm family struggling to survive, and while it may not sound profound, I really struggle to come up with a more satisfying film-going experience I've had in a long while. What A QUIET PLACE does is succeed as sheer filmmaking -- and make you realize how much of what we see today is so lackluster.

SPOILER (Not a bad one but just mentioning it here....)

There was only one spot in the movie that didn't quite "feel right," and my guess is it was either added in post-production (to amp the shock value) or had been edited down because it felt like it needed more explanation. Without going into heavy spoiler it's the bit where they encounter something on the way back from the waterfall.

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#12 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:55 am You said it! No issues with the audience thankfully. Our only problem was the idiots put the movie next to RAMPAGE so the sound bleed of moaning gorillas could be felt throughout. Morons! :twisted:
Heh, I remember seeing the whisper-quiet The Others back in the summer of 2001, and it was in the theater right next to Rush Hour 2, so I had to endure gunshots, explosions, screeching car tires and Chris Tucker shrieking through the wall throughout the entire movie. :x

Glad to hear you enjoyed the film, though...it's a minor classic that I'll be happy to slot into my Halloween horror marathon this October. :twisted: Good Marco Beltrami score, too...not especially melodic, but it definitely amped up the tension effectively (especially that disorienting, detuned piano effect). The movie also had one of my favorite "cut to black" end credit moments in recent memory. :lol:

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#13 Post by AndyDursin »


The ending was terrific. Really was -- the entire last scene was perfectly executed in every capacity. Now, honestly, if you think too much about the scenario, it doesn't quite make sense -- if the creatures were sound driven but were blind and couldn't find prey if there was a larger sound going off at the same time, how would they have ever taken over large cities? Of course, maybe they didn't completely, and these rural people were isolated...the movie doesn't fill it all in, which is also one of its positive traits.

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#14 Post by AndyDursin »

Thank goodness this didn't become another CLOVERFIELD movie....can only imagine what JJ's reshoots would've done to this film.
“That was one of those things that, I guess it crossed our mind and we had spoken to our representatives about that possibility. It was weird timing, though, because when we were writing the script, 10 Cloverfield Lane was at Paramount. We were actually talking to an executive there about this film, and it felt from pitch form that there might be crossover, but when we finally took the final script in to Paramount, they saw it as a totally different movie. What was really incredible about the process that we feel very grateful for is the studio embraced this weird movie with no dialogue with open arms. They never thought about branding it as a Cloverfield film, I think in part because conceptually it was able to stand on its own.”

“And our biggest fear was – we love Bad Robot, we love the people over there, and obviously J.J. [Abrams] is certainly a hero to us – but one of our biggest fears was this getting swept up into some kind of franchise or repurposed for something like that. The reason I say ‘biggest fear’ – we love the Cloverfield movies. They’re excellent. It’s just that as filmgoers, we crave new and original ideas. And we feel like so much of what’s out there is IP. It’s comic books, it’s remakes, it’s sequels. We show up to all of them, we enjoy those movies too, but our dream was always to drop something different into the marketplace, so we feel grateful that Paramount embraced the movie as its own thing.”

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#15 Post by AndyDursin »

Writing this up for this week's column. Personally I think this film is more than a "minor classic," I think it's one of the most exciting genre films I've seen, easily, in many years, and one of the most enthralling studio films I've seen -- of any kind -- in the last couple. Easy to overrate it given the crap that's out there, but this is really strong filmmaking that deserves its acclaim IMO.

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