SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

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Re: Ron Howard Named New Director of HAN SOLO

#31 Post by AndyDursin »

Full trailer is out. And it looks EXACTLY like you'd expect it to: "cute" lines, techno Williams remix, lots of "look it's ______" slo-mo shots, dizzying CGI effects (that look like every other film), and of course, a Cantina/Casino sequence for good measure. And also a very drab visual scheme, seemingly, that looks more ROGUE ONE than all the prior series entries.

I truly wonder if Ford and Miller's movie was going to be more "fun" and ended up being too humorous/irreverent -- this looks pretty glum even with the "comedy" interjected.

Also, I guess I had forgotten Disney is releasing this in May -- 2 weeks after THE AVENGERS. Apparently they want to book up every screen for the summer until 4th of July weekend with these two products in theaters simultaneously.

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - Trailer

#32 Post by BobaMike »

According to Jalopnik, the landspeeder Han is seen driving around is based on the Ford Falcon. Which, if true, is a pretty awesome easter egg. ... 1822730309

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - Trailer

#33 Post by AndyDursin »

Entertainment Weekly article has some interesting info on Lord and Miller getting axed. Too much improv, went off script, took too long, were falling behind schedule, etc. ... ssion=true

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - Trailer

#34 Post by mkaroly »

The trailer looked exactly like the trailer from ROGUE ONE - it looks incredibly uninspired to me. In all honesty, I have lost any passion I had for the STAR WARS universe. Aside from the scores, I have reached a point where I just don't care anymore. I still have not seen the newer STAR WARS film and probably won't until it comes out on DVD (and my friend at work will let me borrow it, since I don't see myself spending any money on it). I do hope that those who do go see it enjoy it!

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - Trailer

#35 Post by AndyDursin »

It just keeps sounding better and better!

Solo: A Star Wars Story Actor Shares New Details About the Troubled Production ... ubles.html
Where Lord and Miller would typically demand more than 30 takes of a given scene — seemingly unsure of what they wanted other than a delivery “different” from the last — Howard got the job done in no more than two or three takes. “Phil and Chris are good directors, but they weren’t prepared for Star Wars,” says our source. “After the 25th take, the actors are looking at each other like, ‘This is getting weird.’ [Lord and Miller] seemed a bit out of control. They definitely felt the pressure; with one of these movies, there are so many people on top of you all the time. The first assistant director was really experienced and had to step in to help them direct a lot of scenes.”

...unlike the reshoots on 2016’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story that involved an uncredited Tony Gilroy writing new dialogue and directing entirely new sequences (including the climactic battle), the additional photography on Solo is said to consist of scene-for-scene do-overs of things previously shot. “It’s exactly the same script. They’re filming exactly the same things. There’s nothing new,” says the actor, adding: “[Lord and Miller] used whole sets. But Ron is just using parts from those sets. I guess they’re not shooting wide angle. Maybe to save money.”

... In March 2017 the studio took the nearly unprecedented move of hiring an acting coach to help star Alden Ehrenreich more convincingly channel Ford’s swashbuckling affect in the original three Star Wars movies. “Trying to mimic Harrison Ford is really tough,” our source says. “Lucasfilm wanted something very specific: copying someone else. Alden’s not a bad actor — just not good enough.”

...So, are the reshoots quantitatively making Solo a better movie? The actor says morale on the production improved by leaps and bounds with Howard’s arrival but points out it’s impossible to measure quality without seeing the final cut. He also points out that the financial underperformance of the last Star Wars installment — which fell $200 million short of analysts’ predictions, according to The Wall Street Journal — has incentivized the studio to make the Force strong with this one. “They have to make [Solo] good after The Last Jedi didn’t make as much money as expected,” he says. “If they want to keep making Star Wars movies, it has to be good.”

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#36 Post by Paul MacLean »

It will still probably make a lot of money, since it's coasting on the brand.

(Well, maybe not in China.)

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#37 Post by AndyDursin »

I think for this movie, losing Lord and Miller won't be a big deal because they didn't write the script. Kasdan did, which makes you wonder why they ever hired them to begin with if they weren't working from their own material.

Beyond that, it will be interesting to see because this one is nostalgia, aimed right at the older crowd who largely disliked Last Jedi. And while it still made money, it was way off The Force Awakens. $200 mil less domestically than expected according to that article.

You'd think if Disney keeps making mediocre product it's going to hit them to a certain extent especially with disinfranchised fans like us....the brand will keep carrying them but that initial rush of excitement, one that launched Force Awakens to massive revenues, already seems to be gone.

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#38 Post by Paul MacLean »

New trailer...

Looks perfectly solid and "entertaining", and chock-full of nostalgia for fanboys ("Oooo, the Millennium Falcon when it was brand new!").

But there isn't anything fresh about it. It's just an "origin story" -- of a character who was created forty years ago. And it isn't "Star Wars" -- Star Wars is about the Force and Jedi knights and good people coming together to combat evil. This looks more like "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot in Space".

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#39 Post by KevinEK »

Nothing in this really looks all that interesting. It appears Ron Howard at least gave them a coherent movie, but not one I'll be taking any time to see.

I agree with Paul - this is an origin story we don't need to hear.

The sad part for me is that I honestly don't see a reason to see the 9th movie either. I've been a lifelong fan of the Star Wars movies but there's nothing really compelling about what's happening now.
In the same way that the new iterations of Star Trek haven't made any impact on me.

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#40 Post by AndyDursin »

Paul MacLean wrote: Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:59 am But there isn't anything fresh about it. It's just an "origin story" -- of a character who was created forty years ago. And it isn't "Star Wars" -- Star Wars is about the Force and Jedi knights and good people coming together to combat evil. This looks more like "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot in Space".
It looks like every bland studio summer release -- same snarky humor, same glossy (but boring) special effects -- and all very modern, even if it's trying to be "nostalgic."

Going to be real interesting to see if the die-hard fans who really disliked LAST JEDI snub this film to a point where the receipts decline the same way they did for that sequel. In a way, Disney's approach is so cynical it's amazing -- "let's kill a beloved character off, then let's give those fans a bone by making a movie all about that character!" And they are also oversaturating the marketplace with the 2nd STAR WARS movie in 6 months, a risky move with THE AVENGERS already in theaters and a lot of people still ticked off with LAST JEDI being so lame.

Either way, this is going to be the first STAR WARS film I don't see in a theater. I don't care about filling in gaps that never needed to be filled in, and even if it's "entertaining," it's not worth my time to invest in a night out for it.

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#41 Post by Paul MacLean »

I'm assuming -- and hoping -- the music in the trailer is not indicative of the actual score.

But these days you never know.

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#42 Post by AndyDursin »

I don't own any John Powell scores, but he's at least more capable of composing a decent score than Michael Giacchino. Powell has a good sense of melody though I doubt the film will enable him to use that ability very much.

Either way whether it's Powell or Williams, it's not going to matter much in terms of what kind of a score we get, sadly.

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#43 Post by AndyDursin »

Cannes reaction draws mixed reaction (lack of energy, "rough around the edges") but a couple of girls say it's "super fun" and their "new fave Star Wars movie". :lol: ... 601078002/

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#44 Post by Paul MacLean »

AndyDursin wrote: Fri May 11, 2018 11:03 am ...but a couple of girls say it's "super fun" and their "new fave Star Wars movie". :lol:
That sounds trustworthy -- like when my teenage nieces said Jurassic World was much better than Jurassic Park.

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Re: SOLO: A Star Wars Story - May 25th - "I've Got a Bad Feeling About This"

#45 Post by AndyDursin »

"Meh" written all over SOLO when even this guy is lukewarm. I'll be off to DEADPOOL 2 instead.

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