now they remake a trilogy... all three movies...

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now they remake a trilogy... all three movies...

#1 Post by romanD »

and it's going to be PHANTASM...

Again I think this could actually be fun... though I really only like PHANTAM 2. Part one was way too weird to me, Part 3 was still ok, but the Evil Dead humor was working against it. The Sphere have always been supercool, so with new Gadgets and tricks this could become some great movies.

I know there is a part 4, but honestly, who cared about that...

Eric W.
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#2 Post by Eric W. »

Oh God. WHY!!!

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#3 Post by AndyDursin »

I've never been a fan of PHANTASM, sadly, but who knows, maybe it'll be better than the originals!!

Neo Rasa
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#4 Post by Neo Rasa »

Now wait, I remember the director kept talking about the direction Phantasm 5 was going.

I think he might have just pulled the wool over the eyes of Hollywood. :D

See, this "remake" will probably be Phantasm 5 in its structure and such, the marketing and hype will draw in tons of teenagers of the Halloween Knows That You Screamed at Jason Ten Times Last Friday the Thirteenth Massacre adherents, and he'll get to continue the series.

I can only hope at least, I mean Angus Scrimm is unique and it would be a shame for him to pass on without any kind of real closure to the series.

Phantasm is an IMO great and very ambitious low budget series, but at the same time said low budget does hurt the epic feel the movies go for. So it would be great if this worked out and we get to really see something along the lines of the post-apocalyptic settings and such that were being talked about for Phantasm 5.

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