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#16 Post by AndyDursin »

Well maybe I won't be so quick to judge.

THE FOG remake is *RUMORED* to be starring Tom Welling ("Smallville," which I'm quite fond of) and Maggie Grace ("Lost").

If that's the case, I'll be there. Hopefully they'll tighten up the loose screws of the original's narrative :) Just make sure Cundey comes along for the ride as Jack said....

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#17 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:Hopefully they'll tighten up the loose screws of the original's narrative :)

One thing I don't understand about the original...if the ghosts are looking for revenge against the direct ancestors of the colonists who caused their shipwreck 100 years ago ("6 will die"), then why do they attack everyone they see? :?:
Just make sure Cundey comes along for the ride as Jack said....

It's Monty, please. :p And what the hell happened to Cundey, anyways? After Apollo 13, he vanished for several years, only to make a "comeback" photographing crap like Garfield. One only wishes he'd team up with Carpenter again...

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#18 Post by Neo Rasa »

There's a trailer up for the House of Wax remake...

...starring Paris Hilton.


This House of Wax movie is yet another remake of a remake. What the hell?

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#19 Post by Eric W. »

AndyDursin wrote:I dont have a problem with a new version of THE THING per has been over 20 years and you're right that it's a story adapted several times a la BODY SNATCHERS.

My problem is that it seems we're getting a glut of these things all over the map. THE EVIL DEAD? THE HITCHER? THE FOG? At some point, is EVERY '80s horror movie going to be remade?

The other issue is, unlike years ago when remakes were turned out back in the '50s, '60s, etc., the original versions weren't in the public eye, so to speak. Nobody had video and it wasn't as if films were shown every day on a hundred cable channels. I think a remake was more valid back then because chances are few people had seen the original it was based on (or at least the next generation of viewers likely wasn't familiar with it).

These days it's an ENTIRELY different ball game. People watch, rewatch movies on DVD all the time. Movies are shown over and over again on TV and cable. THE EVIL DEAD has a fan base that continues to watch the original and it's released on DVD in a new edition every few months. Even THE THING is still fresh with many viewers, who watched the DVD, played the recent video game, etc.

If you're going to do a remake, why do it of movies only 20 years old? That are still fresh in a lot of fans' conciousness? That's my question with what we're seeing here.

It's like the E.T. re-release they did a few years ago -- I love the movie, but they made a huge error in judgment in terms of timing it. They wanted to release it to a "new generation" of fans, but the problem is in 20 years, few people who were kids back then HAVE their own kids yet (at least I don't, and I just turned 30). It would have made sense to do it on the 25th or, hell, even the 30th Anniversary. THAT would have been a "new generation." As it was, they marketed the film to people old enough to own the videos, but who have basically yet to start their own family -- or if they have, their kids aren't old enough to enjoy it.

These remakes, I just can't see them so soon after they've been released. THE HITCHER in particular wasn't even made 20 years ago. I guess you could use the argument that it wasn't a huge hit, and therefore people don't know it, me, it just shows they're all running out of ideas, when THIS many movies are now on the docket for being remade.

It'd be interesting to see if at any point in modern cinema if this many remakes had ever been planned before.
Quoted for truth. I couldn't have said this better. The answer to your question is "no", by the way. :)

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The Evil Dead?

#20 Post by scorehead »

A bit odd...?

Looks like there is a remake of "The Evil Dead" and a follow up to the on going series, "Evil Dead 4," all in the same year.

This should be interesting.



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Re: The Evil Dead?

#21 Post by Eric W. »

scorehead wrote:A bit odd...?

Looks like there is a remake of "The Evil Dead" and a follow up to the on going series, "Evil Dead 4," all in the same year.

This should be interesting.


THAT is interesting.


#22 Post by MikeSkerritt »

I have to chime in here with some news about a remake I just read about this morning:


Apparently Peter Medak would be returning to helm the remake himself if development gets that far.

This is one of my favorite chiller movies and I personally think it's one of the great truly unsung horror films (and is itself a template, ahem, for other, better-known movies; I'm talking to you, M. Night Shyamalan), so while I love the fact that the remake might bring more publicity to the stellar original, the original's only 25 years old! So I'm torn; any pub the original gets is good pub, but at the expense of an unnecessary remake? Ugh. (Maybe HBO might chip in for a special edition DVD of the original with all the bells and whistles.)


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#23 Post by romanD »

well, again I think there are quite some few movies chosen to be remade which can actually improve upon the original or bring just something new to it... THE FOG can definitely look great, THE BLOB can become a fantastic big event horror movie, THE HITCHER can work again as cool psychological thriller if they get a great cast (but well with Mr. Bay this probably just becomes a car chase), AMITYVILLE HORROR can't get any worse than the original, which is one of the worst movies I know, same for THE CHANGELING (really don't know what the fuzz about that one is), PHANTASM can become really cool with a higher budget...

so I think there are definitely some good movies coming out from this. For most of them Im looking forward to them...

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#24 Post by AndyDursin »

I'm with you Mike. THE CHANGELING had some incredibly creepy stuff in it. As far as everything else goes, sure AMITYVILLE HORROR was anything but a good movie, so I'd be interested in checking it out (apparently it's not half bad from "the buzz"), ditto for THE FOG.

One thing that annoys me -- with all the remakes in production, couldn't the studios at least finish releasing their old back catalogs on DVD first??

Why is THE INNOCENTS, in my opinion one of the finest ghost stories ever filmed, *still* not on DVD??

We'll probably see a pathetic remake of that first, before the original gets the treatment it deserves. I'm still living with my laserdisc!!

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#25 Post by romanD »

well, after the horrible HAUNTING remake (what a missed opportunity!) they are probably very hesitant about remaking INNOCENTS (btw, hasn't that been remade in the 70ies somewhere? and isn't it based on a book? therefor I don't really think the term "remake" is appropriate).

I was actually quite disappointed with INNOCENTS, as everything is going on is explained in dialogues by Deborah Kerr and I never understood how she gets all this... so basically she walks around and says "there is a ghost, now I have to do this to make it go away!" and I just wonder where the ghost is and how she knows what to do to make it go away... maybe I totally missed the point of that, but THE HAUNTING is to me the best ghost movie ever... well, POLTERGEIST is on the same level, but that is quite another ghost movie, isn't it?

Will we get a remake of that? But I really don't know how to improve on that.. maybe with a score by Steve Jablonsky? har har

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