The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

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The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#1 Post by Monterey Jack »

It was bad enough when you had to have sat through WandaVision to understand the plot of Dr. Strange 2, but this one will have required you to have watched THREE different D+ shows beforehand. :shock: Plus, the first Captain Marvel sucked, and this has been pushed back several times (not even due to Covid concerns), so I smell a box office take even more microscopic than Quantumania here. :lol:

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Another hugely troubled Disney product, with Brie Larson's behavior allegedly a reason for its many problems: ... -s-t-show/

I think Doomcock had a video on how poorly THIS film was testing also a while back, but I confess I didn't watch since I don't have any intention of seeing this one.

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#3 Post by Monterey Jack »

Larson definitely has a My-sh!t-doesn't-stink attitude, not realizing the major reason the first Captain Marvel made so much money was being sandwiched between Infinity War and Endgame. She's not an especially charismatic or "warm" actress, and her performance as Carol Danvers was affectless and bereft of relatable human emotion.


Watching Captain Marvel at home (and not surrounded by MCU dorks howling at every 90s reference and Marvel Easter Egg) revealed just how goddamn BORING it was. And now she's being saddled with her fashionably "diverse" sidekicks from D+ shows no one remembers or cared for in the first place. I like the girl from Ms. Marvel, but seeing a chubby Muslim cosplayer on the big screen seems SO low-rent. :lol:

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#4 Post by AndyDursin »

Larson is a boring actress. She popped up in one of those car commercials the other day and my wife had no idea who she was, despite having seen several of her movies! The one thing she had going is she was somewhat cute at the start but she's lost her babyfat and looks gaunt and unhealthy now. Hurray for Hollywood! lol

Overall though, a movie like this is where the bleep is hitting the fan for Disney. They've run through the big Marvel characters and have apparently believed their brand -- much like Pixar's name -- would carry all of these minor comic book heroes in their own features. It's been diminishing returns for years now and is only going further down that road.

I also find it hilarious they think another AVENGERS movie is going to make billions when the team is going to be comprised of Ant-Man, Captain Marvel, "Black Captain America" and whatever character from "Wakanda not named Black Panther" is going to show up in it. Obviously even the fans are tired because the last Ant-Man movie -- whose true function was just serving as a lead-in teaser for this "cycle" -- underperformed.

Plus, it's doubly ironic also the one Marvel franchise that had its own cinematic identity -- Guardians -- is ending as Gunn is off to DC.

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#5 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:59 am Larson is a boring actress. She popped up in one of those car commercials the other day and my wife had no idea who she was, despite having seen several of her movies! The one thing she had going is she was somewhat cute at the start but she's lost her babyfat and looks gaunt and unhealthy now. Hurray for Hollywood! lol
Larson's "Envy Adams" character in Scott Pilgrim is kind of the perfect example of what her career would eventually devolve into, the gorgeous girl who has the fame and "adoring public" who loses sight of relatable human connections and is left alone in her ivory tower.
Plus, it's doubly ironic also the one Marvel franchise that had its own cinematic identity -- Guardians -- is ending as Gunn is off to DC.
Guardians 3 will be the one MCU movie this year that ought to do gangbusters, as these are the last truly beloved characters in the Marvel canon that haven't been killed off, retired or replaced with a black/female/gay substitute. After they're gone, the idea of another massive Avengers crossover holds little appeal, especially as the "big bad" they've been setting up is played by an actor who just got into a major scandal and will have to be replaced. :oops:

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#6 Post by Monterey Jack »

A reported NINETY-THREE MINUTE running time. With credits...?! :shock: ... short-mcu/

Hey, I'm all for movies with brisk running times, but this reeks of a movie so bad that Disney cut it to the bone just to insure as many admissions on opening weekend as possible.

Also funny that the movie's Happy Meal tie-in occurred over a month ago, proving just how last-minute of a decision it was to push this back four months. :lol:

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#7 Post by AndyDursin »

Shades of SUPERMAN IV, the last 90 minute super hero movie. :lol:

It's like 2 Disney+ episodes strung together.

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#8 Post by Monterey Jack »

Dalekbuster523Bluray;21454765 wrote:No chance it makes as little as that. This will make $800m worldwide at the least and a billion at the most. The first Captain Marvel was a major success, and WandaVision has a very avid fan base, which this partly follows on from.

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#9 Post by Monterey Jack »

Hilariously, the latest trailer I saw today is about 50% footage from the first movie, WandaVision and Ms. Marvel, and ends with the text, "...additional series available on streaming". :lol:

This movie is F-BOMBED.

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#10 Post by Monterey Jack »

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#11 Post by AndyDursin »

It's a "very special Disney+ episode" they're asking the suckers to pay money to see.

I still laugh at Larson being such a diva and having to "share" this sequel with the other girls. Must've been a lot of fun on this set as rumored. :lol:

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#12 Post by Monterey Jack »

Good article about Disney in crisis mode over the rather stunning downturn of the MCU post-2019... ... 235774940/

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#13 Post by AndyDursin »

This is the best ancedote of all, tying into some earlier reports we talked about:
As public criticism mounts, Feige is pulling the plug on scripts and projects that aren’t working. Case in point: the “Blade” reboot. With Mahershala Ali signed on for the eponymous role of a vampire, things looked promising for a 2023 release date. But the project has gone through at least five writers, two directors and one shutdown six weeks before production. One person familiar with the script permutations says the story at one point morphed into a narrative led by women and filled with life lessons. Blade was relegated to the fourth lead, a bizarre idea considering that the studio had two-time Oscar winner Ali on board.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But IS it bizarre? Disney cares more about ideology than art right now. They hire lousy writers and directors whose only job is to oversee the production -- it's not a "film" they're making, it's a product. Case in point is the credited director of CAPTAIN MARVEL left the movie and had nothing to even do with reshoots. Because it doesn't matter -- Disney believes these products will generate money just because, that the audience doesn't care who's making it, that they're just going to show up.

But they missed the boat. STAR WARS is George Lucas. INDIANA JONES is Lucas and Steven Spielberg. The magic without them -- and with these hacks they've hired to carry on those franchises -- is gone. You can't take a beloved property and expect people are going to love it just because you bought it. Not when you basically hold the audience that loves it in contempt, and when you try and change it into something benefitting your own ideology, expect them to not have any issue with it.

As a parent of a kid who is the primary demo for Disney, I can also tell you: he doesn't care about THE MARVELS or anything in the Marvel universe (he also didn't care at all about watching OBI-WAN or ASHOKA). The last time he really referenced Marvel was when all the kids were talking about ENDGAME and he was too little for it back then. But I think it speaks to where they've gone and their standing with most viewers.

Disney is indeed in a mess of their own creation and people all know it. Even people beyond fanboys.

As Cartman said over and over again in this SOUTH PARK special (it gets funnier each time it's repeated)...which is going to go down as an ALL TIME classic line that people will be remembering forever...

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#14 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:29 am You can't take a beloved property and expect people are going to love it just because you bought it. Not when you basically hold the audience that loves it in contempt, and when you try and change it into something benefitting your own ideology, expect them to not have any issue with it.
Recently on Twitter I bemoaned the current era of Disney, using the phrase "Inserting political rhetoric" into movies instead of making them, you know, fun, and of COURSE someone came back with this... :roll:

It's the shield Disney always cowers behind whenever people complain about their "Put a chick in it and make her gay!!!" mandate.

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Re: The Marvels...done your MCU homework yet?

#15 Post by AndyDursin »

They can keep cowering -- right into the basement they're falling into.

The thing is -- there's always going to be somebody. The masses though feel differently as evidenced by things like a dropping stock and declining box-office (and Disney+ viewership).

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