Disney's OMEN Prequel - April 5th - SPOILERS

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Eric Paddon
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Re: Disney's OMEN Prequel - April 5th - SPOILERS

#16 Post by Eric Paddon »

The real problem is this. This present day breed of anti-Christian bigots also hates the idea of absolute Evil embodied by the concept of Satan, the Devil and Hell. They are the kind of people whose relativism and disdain for absolute concepts of Good and Evil makes them regard the very idea of Hell and condemnation as "unfair" and so the idea of showing Damien as the product of Satan in opposition to Good and Truth is for them just as anthema as Christianity's idea that there is only One Way to salvation (of course they always give Islam a free pass on the militancy behind the same idea; but that's because Islam gets brownie points with secularists for being "anti-Western"). So therefore that's why they've got to by instinct concoct a story that lets Damien and Satan "off the hook" as it were, or come up with something that in their warped minds they think is less "simplistic" and is more "complex" and therefore by extension supposedly more intellectually deep when it all it does is reveal the shallowness of their own beliefs.

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