Upcoming International DVDs

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Upcoming International DVDs

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

A couple of items of note:

Roman mentioned to me that ALEXANDER is coming out overseas in a variety of Special Edition DVDs (davisdvd.com has specific details). There's supposed to be a 3-disc HK DVD edition but apparently it's been pulled (at least no websites carry any info on it anymore). If anyone has any updates do post them!

Also, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA will be out in a lavish, really limited edition (2000 copies!) box set in Region 3 land. Price is $37 shipped from Yesasia.com:

http://us.yesasia.com/en/prdTransfer.as ... 003999449/

This box includes a full-bit rate DTS track (home theater aficionados will groove to that) and assorted extras.

BTW, the US PHANTOM 2-disc Edition was unavailable for me to review (not enough copies for "smaller" publications), though they did send me the single-disc, vanilla Widescreen DVD (no extras)....which for some reason is the same retail price here in the States! I don't get why they're releasing a Widescreen single-disc DVD and a 2-disc Special Edition for essentially the EXACT same retail price (the widescreen is $19 and the 2-disc Sp. Edition is $20 at Amazon), unless it's a gauge to see how stupid consumers are?

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