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TIME MAGAZINE: Order of the Phoenix "Perhaps the best f

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:17 pm
by Paul MacLean
Richard Corliss came-out with his review the latest Harry Potter, calling it "perhaps the best in the series". He gives high marks the the character development and in particular to Daniel Radcliff's performance.

I just finished the book, and I think it will translate well to the screen. I do concur with Andy's friend "J-Man" who felt the book seemed more like a set-up for what is to come (and isn't as strongly anchored its own storyline, unlike the previous stories). But there are some great sequences and unexpected turns, and quite a bit of action toward the climax.

I just hope Ralph Fiennes is scarier than he was in the last one (of course if he'd had John Williams backing him up... ;) ).