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#1 Post by MarkB »

I've been going back and forth on buying this thing. I already have the original single disc release. I thought the movie itself was just okay (actually, I thought it had a strong story, but consistently undermined itself with cliched "action movie" stunts and dialogue), but the wealth of behind the scenes material on the new edition has me interested.

Has anyone here watched this and, if so, can you tell me if the extras are worth the repurchase? I like good, in-depth "making-of" material; often, it's more entertaining than the movie itself. I'd just like to know if that's the case here.

Thanks in advance.


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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

It's good stuff Mark. If you liked the movie a lot (and can get it at a good price) I'd say go for it -- the robot documentaries and such are interesting simply on their own (and by that I mean the science-oriented documentary that has nothing to do with the movie). The Making Of featurettes, when I ran through them, are copious and interesting, though not particularly mind-blowing (though still a bit better than the usual DVD filler).

I had the same reaction to the movie the second time around with you Mark -- it was good but there's something holding it back (the draggy "action filled" last 45 minutes) that prevents it from being anything more than a competent genre movie, despite the fantastic effects work on "Sunny."

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#3 Post by MarkB »

Thanks, Andy. I initially looked back at your "Aisle Seat" review, but it was mostly a listing of the disc's contents. I really appreciate your additional comments here.

I did almost buy it last week. Since it included a free ticket to FANTASTIC FOUR, I tried rationalizing that bonus as a way to help to defray the cost. Then the FF reviews came out...

BTW, have you seen FF?


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#4 Post by AndyDursin »

Haven't seen FF. The reviews have been almost unanimously bad -- but it also raken in $56 million this weekend (a bigger opening than X-MEN) and the exit scores were apparently good.

Could be a case where the critics don't make a difference. I might be planning on checking it out too (I still have that FF ticket that came with the package!).

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#5 Post by romanD »

I'll see it on Wednesday, am very curious whether I will spot the changes they made after I saw the "finished" cut...

I guess, you can skip the reviews by comic-book - fanatics in general. The rest of the critics seems to dislike that the movie was geared towards younger audiences (Which was my impression of the movie, too btw)... what's wrong with that? Don't take the movie too serious!

The cut I saw was fun stuff, little childish, but very enjoyable...

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#6 Post by MarkB »

FF made an unexpected fortune this weekend, so someone must be going to see it. For some reason, this just hasn't interested me. I'm not familiar with the comic and the trailers made no impression on me. The one friend I have who plans on seeing it has already decided, sight-unseen, that it's great, so I certainly won't be able to trust his judgement. Factor in the reviews and I simply can't bring myself to head to the box office.

I'd love to hear some comments from anyone here who has seen FANTASTIC FOUR. Now that I think of it, I don't think I've heard any mention of it at the FSM boards, either. So who is seeing it, anyway?

Last edited by MarkB on Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#7 Post by Eric W. »

Good movie! Just disregard Asimov all the way when you go into it and you'll be fine.

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#8 Post by MarkB »

Well, I went ahead and picked up the I, ROBOT discs. There seems to be enough there to get my money's worth out of it. I started with the director/writer commentary first.

Proyas starts off by saying the commentary track is being recorded six weeks prior to the film's opening, but that doesn't stop him from taking some jabs at the studio. He still seems to be pulling his punches, however, and keeps his complaints somewhat vague.

Does anyone here know of any interviews he's done since the film came out? I'd like to read a more detailed summary of his conflicts with the studio. I have a feeling they are responsible for most of the problems I had with the movie itself.

BTW, this is one of the things I love about DVDs -- a lot of times the behind-the-scenes material is more interesting than the actual movie!


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#9 Post by AndyDursin »

Mark, I heard years ago that he recorded a commentary for THE CROW DVD but Dimension/Miramax opted not to include it, presumably because he said some critical things about the studio and/or what happened in regards to Brandon Lee's death.

I'm surprised Proyas gave an I ROBOT commentary at all but I applaud Fox for including it, even if he took some shots at the studio.

I hope one day they'll do a Special Edition of DARK CITY. I've written this before, but I walked into the movie a minute or two late and didn't realize the studio imposed this awful introductory scene that spoiled the whole movie!

Thus, I initially saw the film as Proyas intended -- with the viewer trying to figure out what was going on. It was only LATER, when I bought the DVD, that I realized New Line ruined the entire movie by adding that awful Kiefer Sutherland prologue! (When I show the movie to friends, I start the film with Rufus Sewell waking up in the bathtub).

That'd be a nice thing to correct in a "Director's Cut"...great movie, too...and Jennifer Connelly looking mighty fine, years before she became a walking corpse. :cry:

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#10 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:Mark, I heard years ago that he recorded a commentary for THE CROW DVD but Dimension/Miramax opted not to include it, presumably because he said some critical things about the studio and/or what happened in regards to Brandon Lee's death.

I'm surprised Proyas gave an I ROBOT commentary at all but I applaud Fox for including it, even if he took some shots at the studio.

I hope one day they'll do a Special Edition of DARK CITY. I've written this before, but I walked into the movie a minute or two late and didn't realize the studio imposed this awful introductory scene that spoiled the whole movie!

Thus, I initially saw the film as Proyas intended -- with the viewer trying to figure out what was going on. It was only LATER, when I bought the DVD, that I realized New Line ruined the entire movie by adding that awful Kiefer Sutherland prologue! (When I show the movie to friends, I start the film with Rufus Sewell waking up in the bathtub).
It's really amazing how collosally boneheaded studio execs are. Imagine The Usual Suspects opening with a narration revealing the identity of Keyser Soze...!
and Jennifer Connelly looking mighty fine, years before she became a walking corpse. :cry:

Tell me about it. :cry: Dark City was the last time that Connelly still had her spectacularly voluptuous figure and appealingly rounded facial features. Now she looks like she should be auditioning for a role in the next George Romero zombie movie.

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#11 Post by AndyDursin »

Tell me about it. Crying or Very sad Dark City was the last time that Connelly still had her spectacularly voluptuous figure and appealingly rounded facial features. Now she looks like she should be auditioning for a role in the next George Romero zombie movie.
Exactly. We've tossed this around before but she was -- back in THE ROCKETEER days and through DARK CITY, etc. -- stunning and vuluptuous. It's amazing to think an actress like her can't even have a full figure (even without being "heavy" or overweight in the slightest). Now she's just another stick figure (why?? even after having a kid as well!!) who looks older than she ought to be and unhealthy -- like most of our leading ladies.

Incidentally her career is sinking fast as well after DARK WATER. I noticed a lot of folks dubbing her the "Prozac Queen." She doesn't display much emotion as an actress and spends most of her roles moping around, being depressed. It's very sad to see :(

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#12 Post by romanD »

no! she is still hot! :-)

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#13 Post by mkaroly »

romanD wrote:no! she is still hot! :-)
Right!!!! :)

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#14 Post by mkaroly »

AndyDursin wrote: I had the same reaction to the movie the second time around with you Mark -- it was good but there's something holding it back (the draggy "action filled" last 45 minutes) that prevents it from being anything more than a competent genre movie, despite the fantastic effects work on "Sunny."
I didn't like the film that much when I saw it on DVD- I just didn't find Will Smith's performance very compelling and I though overall the story moved forward poorly. I was expecting something more along the lines of BLADE RUNNER with deeper subtext.

DARK CITY was incredibly good science fiction. I'd love to see a special edition to that one as well.

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