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#1 Post by AndyDursin »

Variety's review is extremely positive -- unexpectedly well directed, lots of great set pieces, and (as was reported very early on) offers Christian Bale basically playing a secondary role to Sam Worthington.

http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117940 ... id=31&cs=1

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#2 Post by Eric W. »

This definitely has promise and I certainly think it will be better than part 3 was.

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#3 Post by AndyDursin »

I'd actually be happy if it were as good as 3. I'd rather sit through that one than T2.

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#4 Post by Eric W. »

AndyDursin wrote:I'd actually be happy if it were as good as 3. I'd rather sit through that one than T2.
I haven't seen 3 in a pretty long while. I probably should see it again. It just never left much of an impact with me, so to speak.

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#5 Post by mkaroly »

I didn't like T3- it brought nothing new to the table for me from what I remember.

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#6 Post by AndyDursin »

T3 might not have brought anything new to the table, but it's a much leaner, more entertaining film for me anyway.

T2 was groundbreaking in terms of its effects, no question. Yet I've always found it to be interminably long, preachy, and packed with brittle characterizations. I absolutely hate Sarah Connor in that film, and I had enough of her "no fate but what we make" speechifying after about 10 minutes the first time I watched it. Together with that tired climax, I have always found T2 to be one of the least of Cameron's movies -- it's F/X driven but it's bloated, and it's not really suspenseful either. A good movie, but not a classic IMO.

T3 aspires to be nothing but a fast, entertaining sci-fi action flick, and on that level I enjoyed it -- even more than I did T2. The story doesn't take forever to reach its destination, the set pieces come faster and are extremely well executed, Nick Stahl is superior to Edward Furlong, Claire Danes was actually quite good, and best of all, no Linda Hamilton to bog the movie down in pretentious anti-nuclear sentiment. It's like a B-movie on an A-budget, so to speak. No classic either, but if I had to choose between them, I'd take T3 over T2. I think the latter has a lot of "fanboy sentiment" and nostalgia but I've never felt it was that good of a film -- especially compared to Cameron's other works.

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#7 Post by Eric W. »

In my case, I simply burned myself out on T2 years ago. I watched it too many times.

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#8 Post by romanD »

absolutely agree with Andy on T2 and T3... even when T2 came out I never felt it particularly impresse besides the effects... especially the showdown was super boring...

one of the key problems is the lousy sound design score... and I yawn already when I read in reviews for T4 people complaining about the bad score and why Brad Fiedel didnt come back... did anybody actually listen to what he wrote besides the title music????

Elfman's score rocks!

Too bad first reviews are very bad... :-(

I expect something like REIGN OF FIRE there actually, lots of good actionscenes and ideas get lost in a bad script. Funnily the look is the same and the score is very very inspired by REIGN OF FIRE's score (which I like and am not complaining), no wonder, I can imagine McG wanted his previous collaborator Shearmur on it...

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#9 Post by AndyDursin »

Well I certainly hope this is going to be better than REIGN OF FIRE! lol.

This is one of those instances where you've got an action movie that isn't going to appeal to most critics anyway...some of the reviews are okay, some aren't, but this kind of movie is critic proof to begin with. The audience will be the final judge, and I'd be surprised if it doesn't do quite well.

I like Elfman's score. He uses a dash here and there of Fiedel's theme, which is all you'd want anyway. Fiedel's scores were horrible, I agree Roman, and Beltrami's T3 score was better, but wasn't great. Elfman brings more to the table here than any of his predecessors musically, by a wide margin.

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#10 Post by romanD »

T3 score was a severe disappointment to me... Marco's first big big film and then he couldnt show what he is able to do... to be fair it wasnt overscored and the big chase had no score in the final mix. The cue he wrote for it originally was really really great... a lot of his music wasnt used in the end, which only speaks for the film as it just didnt need so much, but too bad it was pretty cool music that was left out then...

but for sure it was much better than any of Fiedel's efforts. His theme is great, but thats really it...

Elfman's score is really nice, I wish the album was longer though... :-(
still, Im amazed about Elfman saying he never has to listen to temp tracks and then how much of REIGN OF FIRE shines through. He didnt copy any notes, but the style and sound is pretty exactly the same...

on WANTED there was also one cue which was a 1:1 ripoff from MATRIX... I can live with that, but it just makes me wonder how that can happen to him... stays original in that score all the time and then in one cue he doesnt care or cant convince the producers???

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#11 Post by Eric W. »

http://www.bigpicturebigsound.com/Termi ... tion.shtml

Not overly promising, at least by that reviewer.

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#12 Post by John Johnson »

London. Greatest City in the world.

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#13 Post by Eric W. »

I guess I can't say I'm surprised but I was hoping for something better than this.

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#14 Post by John Johnson »

You wonder if Bale's outburst has come back to haunt him. LOL
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#15 Post by AndyDursin »

Variety, the New York Times, the LA Times, Ebert and a few other reputable places liked it (though Ebert didn't like TREK -- go figure), but it's definitely on the mixed side.

I'm still going to check it out for myself.

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