BATMAN V SUPERMAN - "Solemn...No Fun"

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - Rumblings It's a Disaster In Waiting

#46 Post by DavidBanner »

Furious 7 was actually last year - part of Universal's record 2015 (something they'll never achieve again unless they can pull of 6 sequels in a single calendar year...)

Time Warner is in full desperation mode now. They MUST have a hit from this movie, as they took serious losses last year across the board.
If this movie somehow makes money, it will buoy up the company's sagging finances. If the movie bombs, there could be serious repercussions across all Time Warner divisions.
The unfortunate part here is that they've put all their money in with Zack Snyder. That and the fact that the movie is apparently terrible.
The next telltale sign will be if you see Time Warner execs jumping ship within the next month, or being fired...

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - Rumblings It's a Disaster In Waiting

#47 Post by AndyDursin »

Yes 2015. I tend to forget these days with a 2 year old running around lol

I agree with you David there is a ton riding on this movie. Not just for this film but because they want it setting up a slew of DC franchises. I'm just surprised they already went ahead with the Wonder Woman film which has Green Lantern written all over it. Godot's casting just doesn't feel or look right and she doesn't have much charisma either. Plus it has Chris "who cares" Pine costarring which is not going to do anything for the movie either lol

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - Rumblings It's a Disaster In Waiting

#48 Post by AndyDursin »

Interesting article -- with points I largely agree with -- about how WB has destroyed Superman's values and persona for the sake of "the franchise".
Superman comics today sell about 60,000 copies in a really good month, and what happens in their pages is of interest to only a hard core of serious fans. The impact of an out-of-character storyline to the overall brand is pretty limited.

Man of Steel, on the other hand, was seen by millions. It was Warner Brothers’ entry into the highest-stake box office game going this century. And that’s the stage the company chose to fundamentally alter the core pillar of their billion dollar brand.

Hughes argues that, within the plot dynamics of the movie, Superman had little choice but to kill Zod the way he did. That’s true, but there’s nothing that dictated the film had to come down to that kind of life-or-death decision. The story could have resolved with Superman sending Zod back to the Phantom Zone, or shrinking him to the size of an ant and keeping him in a bottle, or sending him forward in time to the end of the universe. If extreme justice were really called for, there are dozens of ways for villains to get caught in their own traps or falling victim to their own evil impulses. You don’t create a scene that forces your hero to kill the bad guy unless you are determined to make a statement about the character.

The character who spent the last 75 years being better than us because of his ability to place principle above power is now just like any flawed mortal who can be pushed to extremes by fear and desperation. There’s an inspiring message for the 21st century.

What did Warner Bros. get for undoing 75-plus years of equity in a multi-billion dollar brand? Well, it appears they set up the next movie, which picks up the thread of having a super-powered alien around who is unbound by any firm principle, and feels entitled to dispatch his enemies if he sees fit.

That might be a cool story. It’s just not a Superman story that anyone would recognize.

Our hero, their property. Fans invest in the mythology of characters like Superman, giving them their cultural power and financial value. However despite the reciprocity implicit in that relationship, they are not folklore and they are not ours.

Superman belongs to Warner Brothers and they can do whatever they want with it. And if they owned a Stradivarius, they could burn it for firewood if they felt like it. It would certainly gain attention and keep them warm for a night. But in the morning, the fire would be out and something priceless would be gone forever. ... 4479c447d8

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - Rumblings It's a Disaster In Waiting

#49 Post by mkaroly »

Still haven't seen MAN OF STEEL and don't plan to. I can see Batman as a dark figure and was okay with that when Nolan did his films. As has been stated many times on this forum, and with which I am in agreement, that's not Superman though. Too bad WB decided to go in the direction they did because now it seems like they feel they have to follow through on it. I will keep and enjoy the Christopher Reeves' interpretation of Superman, thank you very much. And I will DEFINITELY keep the music for those films over anything that has been composed for the character in the past several years.

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - Rumblings It's a Disaster In Waiting

#50 Post by Paul MacLean »

AndyDursin wrote: That might be a cool story. It’s just not a Superman story that anyone would recognize.
And it's not just Superman. Star Trek: Into Darkness, The Hobbit, Jurassic World, Star Wars: The Force Awakens (and too many more to name) are all afflicted by this. The elements that originally made the story and characters unique are stripped away and replaced with gimmicks deigned to draw in as many 13-year-olds as possible.

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - 150 Minutes of Snyder-Insanity

#51 Post by AndyDursin »

Tomato Meter down to 39% and falling. Lol. Most stating its lack of humor and noise and basically everything every Zack Snyder movie has ever been.

As with SUPERMAN RETURNS, though, Variety loved it!

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - 150 Minutes of Snyder-Insanity

#52 Post by Monterey Jack »

Something tells me any episode of the 90's Superman animated series will be more entertaining than this.

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - 150 Minutes of Snyder-Insanity

#53 Post by AndyDursin »

Yes it sounds exactly what we were expecting. Overlong and yet underdeveloped with no humor. Eisnenberg is apparently beyond annoying. Typical ending to set up 10 future sequels.

I'll be going Monday regardless. Lol

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - 150 Minutes of Snyder-Insanity

#54 Post by AndyDursin »

Michael Phillips' review...
A near-total drag, “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” plays like a loose, unofficial quarter-billion-dollar remake of “The Odd Couple,” in which Oscar and Felix are literally trying to kill each other. I kid. A little. This certainly is not true of director Zack Snyder’s solemn melee. The movie does not kid. It takes the mournful death knells of the Christopher Nolan “Batman” trilogy and cranks up the volume, while ignoring any of the visual strengths and moral provocations found in Nolan’s best work.

...Diane Lane returns as the widowed Martha Kent, here abducted by Slavic dastards and threatened with blowtorch disfigurement and death. (What is this, “Taken” or “Saw”?) A terrorist bombing on a major D.C. landmark is just another tasteless, ill-timed “gotcha!” moment. Human trafficking, intimations of child abuse (Luthor mutters about suffering his father’s “fist and abominations”), a hollowed-out Superman resigning himself to the notion that “no one stays good in this world” … the film is only slightly more pessimistic than Lars von Trier’s “Antichrist."
Can't wait! :lol: ... olumn.html

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - "Solemn...No Fun"

#55 Post by Monterey Jack »

But hey...explosions, right? Buildings falling over? You never see that in modern-day event movies, right? :roll:

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - "Solemn...No Fun"

#56 Post by AndyDursin »

Read someone else at Forbes complain that the movie was obviously going to be MAN OF STEEL 2 until they "shoehorned" Batman into the film. Went on at length about how Batman was unnecessary and the weakest part of the film, said Affleck was the worst Batman ever on-screen, and on and on.

I just can't believe they threw Bruce Wayne's parents' murder into this movie. Talk about something we've seen enough by now.

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - "Solemn...No Fun"

#57 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: I just can't believe they threw Bruce Wayne's parents' murder into this movie. Talk about something we've seen enough by now.
The same thing with re-hashing Spider-Man origin story every time they "reboot" the series...even FIVE-YEAR-OLDS know these stories. People who have never picked up a comic book in their lives know these stories. I mean, it's one thing with the Daniel Craig James Bond movies digging into the character's origins...that had never been explored in 40+ years of 007 films, so it was novel. But if the next actor forced another top-to-bottom reboot of the franchise, I'll be royally pissed off...just re-cast the lead, but no need to throw away the current iterations of M, Q and Moneypenny...the actors are all young enough to carry on the roles for decades to come.

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - "Solemn...No Fun"

#58 Post by AndyDursin »

It's now within the 10-point margin of error with MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 2 for futile Rotten Tomatoes rating (33% vs. 24%). LOL

Sounds like this is very much the film they were "concerned about" according to that article a few weeks back. Now, it's just a case of:

a) how much the 2nd week drop (and so on) will be
b) can China and overseas markets carry them to $1 billion regardless of all the bad reviews

Even the fanboy reviews on AICN I've read are bad/disappointing.

I think the worst criticism I've read is that we now owe AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 and AGE OF ULTRON an apology.... lol :shock:


Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - "Solemn...No Fun"

#59 Post by DavidBanner »

No apologies needed to earlier bad movies for this bad movie's continuation of the problem.
If anything, the makers of those movies really should offer a humble public apology to all the fans for inflicting them, and then promise not to do it anymore.

Given how bad these reviews are, I'm really wondering if its opening weekend will really be that great. What happens when they miss their goals?
I'm certain that no matter what they get in the initial box office, they'll have something like a 70 percent drop on the second weekend.
And in any case, this doesn't look like this is going to be the big blockbuster starter pack that Warner Brothers was desperately hoping to see.
I wouldn't be surprised to see WB execs running for the exits within the next three weeks.

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Re: BATMAN V SUPERMAN - "Solemn...No Fun"

#60 Post by AndyDursin »

Have you guys seen this yet? :lol:

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