Andy's NEW List of International Vendors

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Andy's NEW List of International Vendors

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

Since ordering from the European Amazons has become prohibitively more expensive over the last couple of years, I just thought I'd throw in some recommendations that will save you a few pennies -- I've used these all personally and can vouch for them. Especially since the Euro is nearly 1:1 with the US dollar at the moment, it's actually become a good time to order anything from France and Germany.

Very impressed with this site. It's in French so you might want to use Google translate, but they take Paypal so the ordering process is very easy. Even better: if you consolidate multiple items, they will ship the items as they are available. So 3 preorders will get to you in 3 different shipments -- all while paying the same overall fee, which won't do. Consolidating orders is still recommended (it's like paying a 15 Euro base fee, just like Amazon France), but they do remove VAT. Very prompt, fast shipping on top of it, and excellent customer service via chat too.

I've used Grooves a lot over the years and very reliably since COVID came about. Good prices, English friendly, they do charge a small extra fee if using Paypal. Shipping is free but not fast like FNAC and can take a bit, though most orders have come within 2 weeks lately.

Amazon UK has become notoriously difficult for media importing -- many items they simply don't sell outside the UK now, or if they do, it's through the Amazon Global Store you can find on the USA Amazon. But they also tend to be expensive on top of it. For that reason (plus the GBR-USA exchange rate being not as favorable as the Euro), I haven't bought as many discs from the UK -- but when I have, I've either ordered direct from a label like Powerhouse Indicator or Arrow...OR the Rarewaves site, which has a $4.99 single shipping fee if you want to consolidate preorders.


The good news for most Australian imports is you don't need to go further than Deepdiscount here in the USA, which is great for Imprint and Umbrella titles among others. Add in the 10 or 15% sales to maximize savings.

Within the US there's also diabolik -- -- though if you're trying to save as much money as possible, you're better off ordering from the above as they put a tiny premium on some of their discs (as you'd anticipate). However they are reliable and efficient, and responsive to any customer service issues. Recommended.

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