This Week's Aisle Seat - New Year's Chill Edition

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This Week's Aisle Seat - New Year's Chill Edition

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

For the first time in the history of this site, I lost an entire column -- just as it was ready to upload -- on Thursday morning. The laptop crashed, the file was in process of saving (apparently) so it corrupted the entire document (can't retrieve any data from it), the back-up wasn't configured -- at any rate, I've spent the better part of the last 2 days rewriting and the result is this to-the-point column which I couldn't wait any longer to post (I have a 5 lb. Kino Lorber package coming in shortly!).

ANYWAY -- plenty of good stuff in here, including Criterion's BARON MUNCHAUSEN and Imprint's ROLAND JOFFE box-set, so check it out :) ... l-edition/

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