Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

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"Diverse cast" X-Files reboot incoming

#1 Post by Monterey Jack »

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Remember when Ryan Coogler was a young, promising filmmaker with an acclaimed debut feature (Fruitvale Station), instead of a guy who just glommed onto existing IPs? :?

Then again, he couldn't bungle the property any worse than series creator Chris Carter did... :lol:

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Re: "Diverse cast" X-Files reboot incoming

#2 Post by AndyDursin »

It's how it is now. Make your big movie then grab onto the Disney rails and turn out bullshit remakes with Diversity (TM) casting. Sad!

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Re: "Diverse cast" X-Files reboot incoming

#3 Post by Monterey Jack »

If Martin Scorsese had the same career arc as Coogler, his first movie would have been Taxi Driver, but then his second would have been Rocky II, and his third would be Return Of The Jedi... :cry:

Barry Jenkins, um, "won" Best Picture for Moonlight, his next movie is a prequel to the MUCH BELOVED "live-action" Lion King remake. :? "But-but-but...it'll be TOTALLY legit to have a black guy direct this movie about CGI lions!" :roll:

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Re: "Diverse cast" X-Files reboot incoming

#4 Post by Eric W. »

No. Just... no.

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Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#5 Post by AndyDursin »

Methodically going through the Fox properties that once made money, ruining them one at a time.

This franchise was also beyond tapped out already too....

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Re: Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#6 Post by Edmund Kattak »

Ooof. What's next.

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Re: Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#7 Post by Monterey Jack »

Already noted this...


Anyways, not doing it. The second movie and pair of revival seasons were awful and disappointing enough. :? How about something LIKE The X-Files, that captured some of the same scary, paranoid flavor? It worked like gangbusters for Fringe.

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Re: Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#8 Post by Monterey Jack »

Again, it's depressing that Ryan Coogler -- a talented filmmaker who made a superb dramatic debut with Fruitvale Station -- has spent the last decade doing nothing but franchise reboots (Creed), superhero slop (two Black Panther movies, one without Black Panther!) and now overseeing "diverse" rehashes of old TV shows. :| Imagine if Spielberg, Scorsese or other auteur filmmakers had followed the same path back in the 70s and 80s.

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Re: Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#9 Post by Eric W. »

Easy pass. I hope it craters if it even sees the light of day. Which I hope it doesn't.

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Re: Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#10 Post by AndyDursin »

Merged with MJ's earlier post.
Imagine if Spielberg, Scorsese or other auteur filmmakers had followed the same path back in the 70s and 80s.
While true, the sad part is there's no path forward to make anything other than this crap right now. Recycled brands ensure some level of reliable commercial performance for these studios. Disney feels if you change the color of a character's skin it makes it "new and fresh" when in reality it's just stale and old.

More over, it's not only that Cogler is remaking old IPs, he's taking someone else's vision. ROCKY was Sylvester Stallone. THE X-FILES was completely Chris Carter. I'm sure he loved taking that phone call that Disney was going to make some puke "diversity" rehash of his series. :roll:

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Re: Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#11 Post by Monterey Jack »

And the hell of it is, this is the THIRD attempt to keep the "brand" going, and the previous two attempts (that lousy 2008 movie and the recent lame pair of "revival" seasons) both bombed.

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Re: Disney to Remake THE X-FILES With Diverse Cast! (Shocker)

#12 Post by Eric W. »

All any of us can do is not support it and hope it craters.

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