George Lucas 60 MINUTES Interview (1999) on Andy's YT Channel

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George Lucas 60 MINUTES Interview (1999) on Andy's YT Channel

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

I dug out my tape of this excellent pre-PHANTOM MENACE release interview from 60 MINUTES and put it up on my channel. It's a really good glimpse into the excitement before this film was released, the watershed moment this movie was for digital technology (for better or worse), and Lucas' overall POV on digital technology and owning these movies himself. Spielberg appears, there's John Williams recording session footage, and a high degree of candor in this in-depth profile.

But there's also an incredible amount of irony, and yes some sadness, hearing Lucas rail off about modern day Hollywood starting at the 10:30 mark (10:57 specifically). How he describes corporate studio filmmaking and focus group testing is sadly everything that STAR WARS would become after he sold it all to Disney. Just amazing to hear it really...especially now that Lucas is the court jester of the Disney board, telling us all "they know how to make the magic!"

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