What's up with the Woodman's MATCH POINT?

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Michael Ryan
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What's up with the Woodman's MATCH POINT?

#1 Post by Michael Ryan »

Hello All,

I noticed that MATCH POINT isn't in the top 10 films (which surprised me because the reviews are mainly love letters), so I looked into it a bit more and couldn't believe it's only playing at 400 theaters?

However it's gross per theater number is sky high, somewhere around 6,500 dollars (to add perspective the number one film is only grossing about 2600 per theater).

Andy is this going into wide release or is it just going to sit at 400 theaters? People may be confused because this is NOT a Woody Allen film (in the sense that it's not a comedy).


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#2 Post by mkaroly »

I was actually pleasantly surprised to see it playing this weekend in Columbus, Ohio at an AMC theater. I am a big fan of his so I plan on seeing it this week. I hope it's decent....being a huge fan I am hoping that before he retires he'll give us one last "gem".


#3 Post by Carlson2005 »

Interestingly, the film was not well received at all in the UK. Most reviews were average to poor, with Brit crits pointing out that Allen just can't write convincingly for British characters and offers a tourist guide view of London. Not much love on this side of the pond, I'm afraid.

Even more bizarre is that in his interviews, Allen is quite open about the fact that his next film, Scoop, is one of his worst - bet that's pleasing the investors. Maybe it's part of a plot to let him refilm it with an entirely different cast a la September!

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#4 Post by mkaroly »

Carlson2005 wrote:Interestingly, the film was not well received at all in the UK. Most reviews were average to poor, with Brit crits pointing out that Allen just can't write convincingly for British characters and offers a tourist guide view of London. Not much love on this side of the pond, I'm afraid.

Even more bizarre is that in his interviews, Allen is quite open about the fact that his next film, Scoop, is one of his worst - bet that's pleasing the investors. Maybe it's part of a plot to let him refilm it with an entirely different cast a la September!
LOL- no one pays attention to him anymore, so he can say anything in his interviews and fans will still see it. Maybe it does suck (as the rest of his work has been doing since the early 90s)- and maybe he's just being honest and tired of trying to defend his films.

I may be in the minority here, but the last really funny Allen movie that had my stomach hurting from laughing so much was MANHATTAN MURDER MYSTERY- from DECONSTRUCTIN HARRY on I have been disappointed (though SWEET AND LOWDOWN was good and each film has a bit here and there that makes me laugh pretty hard). If I had to pick one film post DH that I enjoyed more that the others it'd have to be CURSE OF THE JADE SCORPION- but still not anywhere near his best.


#5 Post by Carlson2005 »

In the UK, you don't often get the chance to see them anymore - two of his recent films haven't been released here, Jade Scorpion got a very, very small release after sitting on the shelf for nearly two years andit's widely suspected that the only reason his current batch of UK shot films are being released here is down to a tax requirement under the tax shelter scheme they were funded under... Not exactly his golden years![/i]

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