the omen 666

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the omen 666

#1 Post by romanD »

hi there... here a live report from the recording sessions from THE OMEN. Today is the last day. The choir will come in today.
Im sure you all wonder what the score by Beltrami is like, though you all don't like him very much :twisted:

Well, all I can say is that Jerry would be very happy with this. It's a fantastic score. And it is very different to the original score. So, it seems like Marco knows everybody will say it is not as good as the first one, no matter what he wrote, so at least he made it different, so you can't really compare the score, if you are fair. However the choir sings the same lyrics, but the orchestral stuff is totally different, very rhythmically. But it also has a beautiful theme for the family, which reminds you of Jerry's Piper theme as the instrumenation is pretty similar, but the theme itself is different. There is however one little cue which ends with 3 notes from Jerry's theme, which only we soundtrack geeks will catch I guess.

Then Marco did a suite of Jerry's music form the original OMEN for the end credits and boy, hearing that live was worth the trip alone. Not just putting a couple cues together from Jerry's score he rearranged the whole thing and made very modern little 5 minute symphony out of it which blows you away! Such a wild and modern approach to the omen-themes does Jerry truly justice. Im sure he would have liked that!

A lot of press-people were here over the days and even Dario Marianelli showed up yesterday.
The mood is a bit tense as they constantly change some stuff, be it the movie or the score. So I already saw a couple of different takes on the death scenes.

The movie itself looks great. Very stylish and Andy can be assured that you wouldn't think it is by the director of BEHIND ENEMY LINES. It doesn't have the usual music-video-director-flash-editing. It's done very oldschool. The acting is fine, the sets impressive. However, and I really don't know how to review when it comes out, they almost made a sshot for shot remake. There is almost not one single new idea. Only one more kill, some weird dream sequences, Mrs. Baylock's demise (Mia Farrow is cool!!!!) and the famous glas plate shot... the kills are mostly the same and as they were trying to get a pg-13-rating toned down, but then the mpaa said that no matter how tame, a movie about an evil child will get an r-rating (how silly is that?!), so they went all nuts with the spike and the glasplate. They both are spectacular. And the glas plate is something different now.. though it happens at the exact moment... I would have changed that... especially after 3 Final Destination movies you need some more surprise here. But Jenning's death now is really cool. I already saw it about 20 times and it gets better and better the more often you see it and can pay attention to the effects... let me just say how he falls down the stairs looks amazing... :lol: :lol:

but how do you review a movie like this? I guess, I'd compare it to KING KONG: Very well done, worth watching, but ultimately absolutely not necessary as it didn't bring anything new to it. Just better effects or bigger budget doesn't justify a remake for me. Either you change a lot or you have an old movie which is for budgetary reasons or changes in time not watchable anymore and improve on it with effects and a modenr twist on it.
So, if you haven't seen the original omen Im sure you will like this remake, if you have you may like the actors and the style, but I can't really give you a reason why you should watch it. But well, we watch stage plays over the years again and again... maybe that's what remakes become now???
At least I can say the remake doesn't suck, it's one of the best remakes out there and at least they are trying to make it as good as possible and I'd say it is a good movie and has a great score!

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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Thanks for the detailed report! I am curious to see the movie, and hear the music. So this really IS a straight remake then -- right down to the ending, open door for sequels, the whole nine yards?

The whole problem with remakes, especially of contemporary movies (I still consider THE OMEN contemporary as it's been 30 years since the original came out), is that there's probably nobody out there who HASN'T seen the original. It's not like decades ago, before video and cable TV, where movies wouldn't appear regularly and you'd have a generation of viewers who had never seen a given film. I know people say, whenever a remake comes along, "just because it's on video or TV doesn't mean viewers have seen it or an interest in seeing it"....well that may apply to a film from 1950 but this is a widely-seen, high-grossing film from '76 that's on TV virtually every week!

That's not to say it may not open well and make $$, but it certainly WILL be compared to the original film -- which will be a problem for some people, and probably not for others. Let's face it, the original is a stylishly-made (thanks to Donner and Goldsmith) but very silly movie that was panned by plenty of critics upon initial release (it made Harry & Michael Medved's 50 Worst Movies of All-Time in '78...and they weren't the only ones who didn't like it!).

I myself don't hold THE OMEN in the same regard as THE EXORCIST -- the score is better but the movie doesn't have the nuance or compelling story -- but there are some fans predictably who it'll be interesting to see what happens when you've got a film most people have a close familiarity with and is a product of "the video era" to some degree, and whether or not lots of people will fork over $10 to see the same story again with inferior actors...

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#3 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:The whole problem with remakes, especially of contemporary movies (I still consider THE OMEN contemporary as it's been 30 years since the original came out), is that there's probably nobody out there who HASN'T seen the original. It's not like decades ago, before video and cable TV, where movies wouldn't appear regularly and you'd have a generation of viewers who had never seen a given film. I know people say, whenever a remake comes along, "just because it's on video or TV doesn't mean viewers have seen it or an interest in seeing it"....well that may apply to a film from 1950 but this is a widely-seen, high-grossing film from '76 that's on TV virtually every week!
This may shock you, Andy, but most people under the age of 20 (the target audience of the remake) probably won't have seen the original. Hell, try getting any teenager to watch any movie made before, say, 1990, and they'll either laugh in your face or watch said movie and complain about how "dated" it is (like Manhunter is "so 80's"). I actualy lent my copy of the original film to a 16-year-old at work, and was pleasantly surprised that he enjoyed it, even though, when he initially saw the trailer for the new film, he had no idea it was a remake! :shock:

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#4 Post by AndyDursin »

Monterey Jack wrote:This may shock you, Andy, but most people under the age of 20 (the target audience of the remake) probably won't have seen the original. Hell, try getting any teenager to watch any movie made before, say, 1990, and they'll either laugh in your face or watch said movie and complain about how "dated" it is (like Manhunter is "so 80's"). I actualy lent my copy of the original film to a 16-year-old at work, and was pleasantly surprised that he enjoyed it, even though, when he initially saw the trailer for the new film, he had no idea it was a remake! :shock:
That's crazed! Still I firmly stand by that THE OMEN is not a movie that has left the popular consciousness. It's always on TV and Roman's right, it's R anyway so it's not even going to be PG-13 accessible for that age group.

MANHUNTER was not a success in its day and a lot of people still have no idea what it is...and I can understand remaking movies that, say, rarely appear on TV and don't sell well as catalog titles (like SHARKEY'S MACHINE!). But that's not really the case with THE OMEN. It's a perennial. I suppose if they remake THE EXORCIST you'd see the same kind of debate taking place...I'm sure it'll open well but it's going to test the limits of remaking movies that most movie goers are familiar with and still appear on TV all the time.

I admit, though, I have mixed's not as if this is some great, hallowed film that couldn't be improved upon. I am somewhat surprised they didn't try casting more "distinguished" actors -- you look at Gregory Peck in the original and he gave that exploitation-horror movie a definite touch of class.

Given what the original did to differentiate itself from other genre works, you might have expected to see someone like, say, a Michael Douglas or DeNiro been cast in this had Fox want to pony up the money -- but it's clear this movie probably didn't cost a whole lot....and DeNiro by now has LONG worn out his goodwill after mega-bombs like GODSEND and HIDE AND SEEK (not to mention other check-cashing ventures too numerous to mention! :)

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#5 Post by romanD »

well, it is a straight remake. There is just a little of background story with the priests and the pope preparing for the coming of the antichrist... that opens the movie and closes it, right before the famous shot of the kid standing next to the president and smiling devilishly into the camera... and I have to say, this kid is really scary. that smile at the end gives you the shivers, also how the music builds up to it.

Julia Stiles is the first credited, so I guess the target audience really is the teenager group, though it doesn't feel at all like a teenagermovie, which is a good thing. It's dead serious and well, a very very close remake of the original. They even said they used the original screenplay and just put some modernization on it, but it's not like they hired a new screenwriter who started from scratch, the writer of the original still gets the main writing credit!

The interesting thing about how this remake came together is, that the Japanese wanted to buy the rights and remake it and Fox only then remembered the old movie and thought it would be a good idea to remake it themselves. Well, a Japanese version would be quite interesting as the change of cultural things would be cool... and Im sure the kid would be a girl with long dark hair again! lol But even now that they kept the ending with the boy Fox is apparently not planning on doing a new franchise, but in case the BO goes through the roof they will think about it. But to be honest, I think they even had no idea back in the 70ies how to make a sequel to this, so there is probably no reason why to make one now... on the other hand, involving the priests in the beginning and end may suggest that for a second part they get more active already.

So today the sessions are over and there is actually far less choir in it then you would expect. there is one nice nod to Jerry in the main titles now, and then in the cool end credits suite of course... they even did some extra special recording, which probably won't end up in the movie, but we all had a big laugh... would be too cool if they include that though (or on the cd or Marco's website?)... I let you know when I hear it! :-)) well, let me just say after the choir singing AVE SATANI a couple times it sounded like something else which alone would make the movie rated R... so that lead to making a special tribute to Jerry in the end, which is actually quite nice, but also very silly... we had a blast! we'll see...

Again, I can only say good things about the movie as far as you don't mind being it an almost 1:1 remake... Andy is right, the original wasn't too great anyway and many hated it when it came out, so there would have been room for improvements, but they didn't do any (storywise).
Still it is nice to look at, I like the actors throughout, the music is great (the studio never wanted to use any of Jerry's stuff, but said to Marco "Remember he won an oscar for that!" lol) and it moves at a fast pace... there are worse ways to kill 2 hours and I guess if you don't know the original you will actually like the remake a lot (or think it is a rip off of FINAL DESTINATION, which is a ripoff of the original omen if you think about it). For me the kills could have been more elaborate, but I guess Im just too much a fan of the FD-franchise, which is more or less comedy and THE OMEN tries to be very serious, which is nice nowadays for a horrormovie.
Again, Jenning's Death is spectacular... :-)))

oh btw, I was able to get the original score sheets of one good cue... very excited about that! Will put that on my wall at home...

so far the summer this year looks pretty good... almost all the movies look promising...

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#6 Post by romanD »

and here the new teaser: ...

I like the tidal wave in the beginning, which is unfortunately not in the movie, but they keep changuing those news footage over and over so it might be in the actual release... I just wonder whether that's real footgae or an FX-scene... never seen that tidal wave far they only used real footage in the movie from desasters like that.

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#7 Post by AndyDursin »

There is just a little of background story with the priests and the pope preparing for the coming of the antichrist... that opens the movie and closes it, right before the famous shot of the kid standing next to the president and smiling devilishly into the camera
Sounds good to me Roman, thanks so much for your report!

I will say the fact that -- even if it's just a LITTLE background story -- that they've included the priest/pope angle is a good one...especially at the end. It plays into the sequels and I assume ends the movie on a "guess what's coming next" kind of angle instead of just a '70s "twist" ending.

And that's one area where they can DEFINITELY improve upon the originals...those sequels were simple rehashes and blew opportunities to create something really exciting, and apart from Jerry's scores and a couple of memorable moments don't have a whole lot to recommend them (though I've always found THE FINAL CONFLICT a curious film with some interesting ideas that just don't pan out).

I agree they're aiming this at a youngish crowd and I also think they kept the budget in check for sure. BTW how does Stiles fare at playing a role I'm guessing 10-15 years older than she actually is? :?:

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#8 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:Given what the original did to differentiate itself from other genre works, you might have expected to see someone like, say, a Michael Douglas or DeNiro been cast in this had Fox want to pony up the money
While I think that Liev Schreiber is a fine actor (loved him in The Manchurian Candidate), I too think that having an older, more well-known actor in the role would have given this remake the same gravitas that Gregory Peck gave to the original. Harrison Ford would have been an interesting choice, as he's about the age now that Peck was thirty years ago, and it would have been an amusing twist on his usual "Don't hurt my family!" thrillers to have Ford himself trying to off his evil offspring. :wink: Also, Julia Stiles strikes me as an exceedingly poor choice for the mother. Not just because she seems barely old enough to conceive in the first place, but also because she's an incredibly bland, forgettable actress (not that Lee Remick was especially memorable in the first, but at least she didn't look 15 years old). Anyways, at least this film is shooting for the R rating, and the supporting cast is full of inspired choices (Mia Farrow as Mrs. Baylock in particular). I'm also looking forward to hearing what Marco Beltrami will do with Jerry's music. 8)

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#9 Post by AndyDursin »

Monterey Jack wrote:
AndyDursin wrote:Given what the original did to differentiate itself from other genre works, you might have expected to see someone like, say, a Michael Douglas or DeNiro been cast in this had Fox want to pony up the money
While I think that Liev Schreiber is a fine actor (loved him in The Manchurian Candidate), I too think that having an older, more well-known actor in the role would have given this remake the same gravitas that Gregory Peck gave to the original. Harrison Ford would have been an interesting choice, as he's about the age now that Peck was thirty years ago, and it would have been an amusing twist on his usual "Don't hurt my family!" thrillers to have Ford himself trying to off his evil offspring. :wink: Also, Julia Stiles strikes me as an exceedingly poor choice for the mother. Not just because she seems barely old enough to conceive in the first place, but also because she's an incredibly bland, forgettable actress (not that Lee Remick was especially memorable in the first, but at least she didn't look 15 years old). Anyways, at least this film is shooting for the R rating, and the supporting cast is full of inspired choices (Mia Farrow as Mrs. Baylock in particular). I'm also looking forward to hearing what Marco Beltrami will do with Jerry's music. 8)
Monty, the sheer fact they're using Goldsmith's themes in ANY Capacity is a happy development for me. I would have expected the same Media Ventures dribble we get out of almost any score these days.

Agreed across the board on your post...Julia Stiles is a strange choice and a weak one in terms of acting capability. I still can't get over the age factor, it doesn't make sense. I feel exactly the same about Schrieber -- superb actor, but he doesn't bring the gravitas and instant audience identification that Peck gave to the original.

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#10 Post by romanD »

Im sure they hired Stiles to attract younger people to the movie, but still... she is like 14 years younger than Schreiber, but well, that I don't mind, as such a couple compilation is quite normal, isn't it? And they don't look that much apart. She passes as 30 in the movie, so what? It's not like the girl in AMYTIVILLLE... lol... and the movie makes that 5 years jump after the hospital, so it's not like she looks like 20 and has already a 10 year old son.

I think she does a good job, as does everyone else.

Yeah, with the priests I had the feeling that they at least try to have something in case they do a sequel. So, maybe they start with the storyline of FINAL CONFLICT in part 2 then... though Damien doesn't have to be a grown up yet... the priests say something like "he is safe, we cant get near him... let the battle begin!"

the other thing they subtly changed is that the kid seems to be aware of who or what he is... he's really creepy. I wonder how the casting went... did they go to his parents and said: "well, we take your kid, he looks scary!?" lol

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#11 Post by AndyDursin »

romanD wrote:Im sure they hired Stiles to attract younger people to the movie, but still... she is like 14 years younger than Schreiber, but well, that I don't mind, as such a couple compilation is quite normal, isn't it? And they don't look that much apart. She passes as 30 in the movie, so what? It's not like the girl in AMYTIVILLLE... lol... and the movie makes that 5 years jump after the hospital, so it's not like she looks like 20 and has already a 10 year old son.
It's not her age in relation to Schrieber that's the issue, it's her age for this character (and yeah it is a lot like Amityville!).

Julia Stiles was 24 when she made his movie...and she's supposed to be playing the mother of a 10 year old AND the wife of a prominent U.S. official? (In comparison Lee Remick was 40 when she made the original!). I know she's trying to play 30-something but it's still hard to believe.

Hey I assume Michael Gambon is in the Leo McKern role? Does he survive for the sequels too?

I think it's a very wise move that they included even a scene or two setting you up for the Good Vs. Evil confrontation that might follow SHOULD they play their cards right. As I wrote before I loved the idea of DAMIEN OMEN 2 and FINAL CONFLICT but the execution left something to be desired.

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#12 Post by romanD »

the kid is only supposed to be 5 years old... so in the beginning she may be 24 and then the movie jumps forward 5 years and she is 30... she definitely looks like 30 there with the clothes and hairdo and such... so don't worry about that.

I really don't think it is an issue here, I was convinced... was surprised to see she is 24 in real life...

and again, the movie may target through her the teenagers, but it definitely doesn't feel like a teenie-movie.

Whether Michael Gambon survives or not I won't spoil... :-))) don't wanna get beheaded or something! :-)))

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#13 Post by AndyDursin »

romanD wrote:the kid is only supposed to be 5 years old... so in the beginning she may be 24 and then the movie jumps forward 5 years and she is 30... she definitely looks like 30 there with the clothes and hairdo and such... so don't worry about that.

I really don't think it is an issue here, I was convinced... was surprised to see she is 24 in real life...

and again, the movie may target through her the teenagers, but it definitely doesn't feel like a teenie-movie.

Whether Michael Gambon survives or not I won't spoil... :-))) don't wanna get beheaded or something! :-)))
LOL Roman I have to thank you for your reports (and I doubt you will be beheaded!). After reading them I am encouraged by the direction of the movie, and the supporting cast is nothing short of superb...let's hope for the best!

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#14 Post by romanD »

just saw Final Destination 3 and am freaked out again as usual after these movies how quickly you can die in a freak accident... :-)

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#15 Post by romanD »

full trailer hits: ... 80&qth=300

good trailer, dont think it is targeted at kids...

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