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Re: Disney Buys Lucasilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#16 Post by Paul MacLean »

AndyDursin wrote:Paul -- John Barry, Lea Thompson with the frizzy hair, solid ILM effects and, best of all, an inspired Jeffrey Jones performance? Sure there are some creaky elements and not all of it works, but there's plenty to enjoy! 8)

And when are they going to re-release Barry's score?

Anyway, as far as the Star Wars movie, there's already a discussion on FSM about who should score it, as though it is going to be a "classic" which merits a great score. But George Lucas's OWN attempts to revisit Star Wars were pretty clunky. Do people think a non-Lucas SW picture is going to be better?
Last edited by Paul MacLean on Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#17 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:Paul -- John Barry, Lea Thompson with the frizzy hair, solid ILM effects and, best of all, an inspired Jeffrey Jones performance? Sure there are some creaky elements and not all of it works, but there's plenty to enjoy! 8)

I've always felt HOWARD is an unfairly maligned film -- I can think of dozens of "Worst Movies Ever" that are FAR worse and have no redeeming features. I happen to love Barry's score, from the gentle, melodic love theme to the "Body Heat"-like jazzy main titles and the melodic "Howard" heroic material. And can I say...I actually like a couple of Dolby's songs?? Is that permitted...why yes it is!! :lol:
Yeah, Howard The Duck is fairly entertaining as far as overproduced 80's fantasy films go. My mad childhood crush on Lea Thompson is due more to this film than Back To The Future (I must have watched this movie dozens of times on cable just to see her in her undies :D), and the technical credits are superb across the board. It's far from great, but it's lightly amusing and not worthy of the scorn it has achieved over the last 25 years. I think people bagged on it mainly because it was ludicrously expensive and people wanted to see George Lucas fall flat on his face (yes, even back then!). See also John Carter, where people reviewed the out-of-control budget more than the actual movie, which is pretty fun and will weather the years better than most will give it credit for.

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#18 Post by AndyDursin »

Surprised to see so many internet fanboys doing cartwheels about Disney having something to do with the production of a STAR WARS film. Sure I can understand a new writer-director taking over as something to be encouraged about, but outside of Pixar -- who looks like they have also run out of ideas -- what has Disney produced of note over the last decade really? The PIRATES series, and outside of the original, the sequels were terrible. (Yes, I liked JOHN CARTER too, but the central casting killed it). Look how many live-action films they've produced that have been a total bust (PRINCE OF PERSIA, THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE, etc.). It's been years since they've produced an animated film worthy of any real discussion. And yeah, they bought Marvel, a pre-established brand that's run their own film franchises without Disney's involvement whatsoever.

I mean, consider how awful this would be:

1. Casting Taylor Kitsch as Han Solo's son...


2. Having the film turn out as well as, well....


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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#19 Post by Jedbu »

Personally, I would give the films to Brad Bird to watch over-he has not made a clunker yet, either in animation or live-action. Or, if Joss Whedon decides to try something besides THE AVENGERS after that sequel, give him a crack at this...

My feeling is that having Disney in charge now will give someone else who has not been too close creatively to the series the chance to take a critical look at where the franchise needs to go and not feel that the whole series is "their baby," which is what I think Lucas was guilty of, both with these films and Indy. He may be good at composition and his editing style is still top-notch, but both he and James Cameron have the same fatal flaw-they can talk story but many of their characters and the dialog they write for Even Ford and Fisher said when the first SW film came out that there were times they wanted to shove the dialogue written for their characters down Lucas' throat. Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan are the unsung heroes of the first SW trilogy-one gets the feeling that what they did convinced Lucas that what they were doing was true to the characters he created while also improving on them, as well. A NEW HOPE is still astounding, but everytime I watch it I can still see Ford trying not to crack up when he tells Hamill "May the Force be with you" before the final battle (I noticed it back in '77, actually...).

The one thing I am concerned about: does this mean that in a few years we will hear an announcement of ANOTHER Blu-Ray (or whatever new technology that will be released with 2160p, making our Blu-Ray players obsolete) box set that will have even "MORE stuff that you have never seen before!" or both versions of the original trilogy along with a version of A NEW HOPE that has the original crawl like we originally saw in '77? Personally, unless Disney releases the original trilogy in its original versions as a stand-alone set, my days of buying SW films are over...over...over...

And Andy, as far as HOWARD is concerned, I have just three words:! :oops:

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#20 Post by Mike Skerritt »

Jedbu wrote:The one thing I am concerned about: does this mean that in a few years we will hear an announcement of ANOTHER Blu-Ray (or whatever new technology that will be released with 2160p, making our Blu-Ray players obsolete) box set that will have even "MORE stuff that you have never seen before!" or both versions of the original trilogy along with a version of A NEW HOPE that has the original crawl like we originally saw in '77? Personally, unless Disney releases the original trilogy in its original versions as a stand-alone set, my days of buying SW films are over...over...over...
From what I've read of the deal, Fox retained ownership and distribution rights of the OT until 2020, with rights to ANH in perpetuity. That could potentially represent a significant roadblock to getting the unaltered OT in HD, but for the life of me I don't know how Fox and Disney couldn't work something out given the potential revenue of a comprehensive set. Another wildcard is the level of control that Lucas will retain, if any, as "creative consultant." I mean, even if there's no explicit contractual obligation, and for $4B there shouldn't be, a lot of the people involved are close to/revere Lucas enough that he still may exert some influence here. Hopefully Kathleen Kennedy will have the support she needs to steer the company as she sees fit.

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#21 Post by jkholm »

Jedbu wrote:Personally, I would give the films to Brad Bird to watch over-he has not made a clunker yet, either in animation or live-action. Or, if Joss Whedon decides to try something besides THE AVENGERS after that sequel, give him a crack at this...
Brad Bird is a good choice. So is Andrew Stanton. (I haven't seen John Carter but his Pixar films are outstanding.)

I don't think Whedon would work for Star Wars. His style is very post-modern and relies heavily on self-referentialism. Star Wars works best in a more traditional storytelling format. It might be inspired by mythology or Romanticism but you don't have to be familiar with those concepts to enjoy it.

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#22 Post by Jedbu »

Here is something that would make the fanboys go ape-how about Christopher Nolan?

Since Fox pretty much controls A NEW HOPE in perpetuity, they will probably have to work out some kind of deal with Disney to either co-own it or sell it to Disney for...Disneyland, perhaps, in order to do anything with it. Fox also controls the other five films until 2020, so we probably will not have any super-special, ultra-deluxe box sets until then...

And Andy-this is my favorite look at HOWARD: ... d-the-duck :lol:

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#23 Post by Jedbu »

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#24 Post by Monterey Jack »

Jedbu wrote:And Andy, as far as HOWARD is concerned, I have just three words:! :oops:
(no imbed because of video title).

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#25 Post by mkaroly »

The good news is that Lucas won't be directing or writing the material (from what I've gathered from reading the posts, but I could have missed soemthing). The bad news is that it is Disney...I just don't trust that company. And if they do DVD releases for these movies like their classic cartoon movies (Lady and the Tramp, etc.) I can already see myself tearing out my hair.

No John Williams with the films will be a challenge for me. I do hope they put the OT on HD finally and get it over with.

I did enjoy the trilogy of books that came out in the SW universe post-episode VI, written by Timothy Zahn or something like that. I wouldn't mind seeing those made into movies...but they probably won't be. There was also another trilogy of books written by a different author that I thought was okay...I just can't remember what the titles were.

Lol...I will stop posting now!

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#26 Post by Eric W. » ... ilm-source

Well, we know that, whatever the plot of Episode 7, George Lucas won't have a heavy hand in the day-to-day creation of it. He's apparently written the treatments for the films, but he won't produce or direct—an excellent opportunity for another visionary to jettison Jar Jar Binks out of an airlock permanently.

As for the plot, Star Wars superfans have a theory on what they'll be seeing next. But I have a surprise for them: They're wrong. If you're a fan, you're definitely gonna want to read on.

First of all, you should know that there is an official canon concerning the Star Wars universe. Those stories cover the years after rebel victory (i.e., after Return of the Jedi). It's written in a series of books called the Thrawn Trilogy, by author Timothy Zahn. Die-hard Star Wars fans know the trilogy well, and they say that a big-screen adaptation of the first book, Heir to the Empire, would make the most logical Episode 7.

"Of all the speculation out there about the content of this new trilogy, that's the single most concrete idea," says Eric Geller of the fan site "It's almost inevitable that the story will take place in the same time frame as those books."

So what happens in "those books?"

Well, Luke Skywalker meets a real would-be assassin lady named Mara Jade, who was trained to avenge the Emperor by crushing Luke's pretty blond head. Instead, Jade falls for Luke and, a subsequent graphic novel, the two marry. Skywalker also has to deal with the fact that he's the only Jedi left, at least, for now, and he goes about trying to fix that.

Princess Leia and Han Solo also play heavily into the Thrawn Trilogy, popping out a pair of twins (of course) among other things. As for the name Thrawn, well, that refers to a grand admiral with imperial sympathies who takes over as the leader of the vanquished enemy faction.

So is that the basis for Episode 7 or not? I've heard directly from LucasFilm and other sources close to the picture, and they say: Definitely not.

"It's an original story," a LucasFilm source tells me.

In other words, forget the Star Wars novels. Forget the graphic novels. Forget everything you think you know about what happens to Luke Skywalker. According to my sources, Episode 7 will literally be nothing you've ever seen or read before from the Star Wars universe.

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#27 Post by AndyDursin »

From what I've read of the deal, Fox retained ownership and distribution rights of the OT until 2020, with rights to ANH in perpetuity.
Yeah, unlike every other sequel/prequel, Fox actually owns STAR WARS (A New Hope, Episode IV, whatever -- it is to me STAR WARS). I don't see that film ever switching hands. STAR WARS is, needless to say, one of the cornerstone films in the entire history of 20th Century Fox. They financed it and it's theirs -- it'd be like Universal letting go of E.T. simply because Spielberg has his movies at Dreamworks now. The type of thing you can't put a price tag on...more likely Disney will have to license it from Fox when they include it in any future home video releases.

The one thing though I think we might be missing in this whole "Disney making Star Wars" thing -- I don't think Kathleen Kennedy is there as a figurehead. I highly doubt she'd be put in place of that position just so Iger or whoever at Disney calls the shots for any future Lucasfilm property. This isn't like Henson selling off all the Muppet characters -- presumably the Lucasfilm "imprint" will remain and she'll work with Disney in directing where the series goes from here.

Will be fascinating to see what happens.

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#28 Post by Eric Paddon »

Now this is interesting. ... atest_news

Another case of "Do as I say, not as I do" it would seem. So much for wanting to pay his "fair share".

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#29 Post by AndyDursin »

Yes, and knowing how he voted in the last election, the irony is just delicious.

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Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm; New STAR WARS Movie in 2015

#30 Post by Edmund Kattak »

AndyDursin wrote:Yes, and knowing how he voted in the last election, the irony is just delicious.
Ahh. I love the free market system. Hypocracy can be so Hypocritic sometimes.

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