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Re: Network DVD - Deal Of the Week.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:35 pm
by John Johnson
"The fact is, Morgan is an uncivilized brute. Sometimes he drinks heavily. A night like this will set him going and once he's drunk he's rather dangerous."

Caught in a violent storm whilst journeying through a remote region of Wales, five travellers take refuge in a sinister mansion inhabited by the grotseque and, quite possibly insane, Femm family. The guests try to make the best of it, but they hadn't reckoned on Morgan, the brutish manservant, drinking too much and letting loose the third member of the Femm family - Saul, the psychotic brother with a history of pyromania...

One of the most literate and visually striking horror films of the Thirties, The Old Dark House was directed by award-winning James Whale the year after he made the seminal Frankenstein, which starred Boris Karloff as the monster. An artful mixture of chills and exceedingly dry gallows humour, The Old Dark House is directed with a wonderful sense of the eccentric and featured early starring roles for the Oscar-winning Melvyn Douglas (Hud, Being There), Ernest Thesiger (The Bride of Frankenstein) and Charles Laughton (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Private Life of Henry VIII for which he also won an Oscar).

This film also features a brand new commentary by horror experts Kim Newman and Stephen Jones. ... cts_id=279