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Good Night and Good Luck with the Clooneyman

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:32 am
by Michael Ryan
Hello All,

Over the last two months I've been really busy and haven't been keeping track of my movies, but I was somewhat aware that Clooney's movie, GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK was about to come out. I was checking around last week and was shocked that GNGL has already been out and gone!

Has anyone here seen it? It looks very good and has racked up lots of nominations all over the place. How about the score? What's that like.

Andy, the snow falling on your site is great. (it doesn't take much to keep me amused.)


Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:27 am
by AndyDursin
Yes the snow was a nice touch, wasn't it?

The movie did open, played OK in somewhat wide release -- SYRIANA, though, has pretty much tanked in wide release (or at least, hasn't taken in what TRAFFIC did).

I think GOOD NIGHT may end up doing much better biz once the Oscar nominations come out. Either that or Brokeback Mountain (what a surprise, eh?) will likely cop the majority of nominations.