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Movies in concert- Jaws and Casino Royale

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:09 pm
by BobaMike
This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend the National Symphony Orchestra at Wolf Trap perform the scores to Jaws and Casino Royale live to picture. If you ever have a chance to attend something like this, I highly recommend it.

Although it was pouring down rain both nights (and Wolf Trap is an outdoor venue- I had purchased seats under the roof though, unlike the poor souls who sat in the lawn during one of DC's biggest storms ever- 4 inches fell in just a few hours), the orchestra sounded great.

They lower the dialogue and FX levels so you can really hear the music. I had forgotten that Jaws doesn't really have much score until they leave on the Orca. Casino Royale (the Daniel Craig one) is almost wall to wall music. I'm a huge fan of both scores, and the NSO was perfect..I didn't notice any flubs (impressive, especially during the opening chase and the airport scene in the Bond film).

The crowd was very enthusiastic, clapping often after the orchestra had a workout during Royale.

The NSO is performing the original Star Wars movies later this year- I already got my tickets!

Re: Movies in concert- Jaws and Casino Royale

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:48 pm
by KevinEK
Friends of mine went to the Jaws-in Concert showing at the Hollywood Bowl last weekend and really enjoyed it.

They'll be doing Star Wars, Empire, and The Pink Panther in the next couple of weeks. For the last one, something tells me the saxophone player will have a good time.