Is Legend Of Zorro *that* bad?

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Monterey Jack
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Is Legend Of Zorro *that* bad?

#1 Post by Monterey Jack »

Currently ranking at a spectacularly low 35% approval rating at Rotten Tomatoes. :shock: Man, I hope it isn't true that the movie blows, as I've been waiting for this one for years. Guess I'll find out tomorrow...

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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Funny I was wondering the very same thing.

I haven't seen it yet, but the second I saw the trailer I knew the movie was doomed. It just looked pathetic.

And what happened with the production companies here? Seems like they farmed the movie's handling out to Spyglass Entertainment, which I assume meant Amblin had zip to do with it, and from the looks of it, the budget seems to have been cut back as well (those effects look real, real bad).

Horner's score is a pleasant reprisal of his themes for the original, but I think I'll take a pass on the movie in theaters and wait for DVD.

I take the Tomato Meter with a grain of salt but the major critics seem to be really down on it...hell SAW II has a better average of reviews at this moment!


#3 Post by MikeSkerritt »

I was a little more encouraged by the second trailer. I really want to like this one. The first movie was such a great tribute to old fashioned swashbucklers and there aren't enough of those these days. Everyone's so cynical.

That said, when will they learn about adding a kid!!!!

INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (I may get flamed for that one)

I wonder if he'll be precocious. Hmmm.....

The only story I can remember benefitting from a situation like this is ALIENS, where it genuinely served the story.

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#4 Post by scorehead »

Sadly this new film is unable to capture the fun of ZORO's first adventure and comes off looking as unappealing and bloated as the now puffy and aging Antonio Bandaris.This is not to say that this film is without it's moments, but they are few and far between and it really seems more of a missed opportunity due only because they waited so long to make it. On another Note: I was able to attend the scoring sessions, and while the music takes on another life when you see it performed, it really is this films only saving grace. Horner seems to be in top form when writing music in this type of adventurous style. Other than the appearance of his previous ZORO themes, his talent for reusing motifs that we've heard countless times before works well here. On the other hand, as well as the music works in the movie, on CD it lacks the zeal of the score in the first film. I may be a bit biased, having heard the music performed live, but I really don't think that it compares with the London Symphony Orchestra at all.



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#5 Post by Monterey Jack »

Well I liked it. Quite a bit, actually, especially considering the ridiculously harsh reviews. It is a step down from the original, and the humor is a bit too broad (Zorro's horse is right out of Mr. Ed), but still, I was entirely satisfied (even the kid was bearable, although one wonders where he learned his acrobatic moves...). And Horner's score was even better than the first film's. A very pleasant surprise. Don't let the naysayers scare you away, Andy. This is worth seeing on the big screen (if only for Catherine Zeta-Jones' cleavage :P).


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#6 Post by scorehead »

Monterey Jack wrote:Well I liked it. if only for Catherine Zeta-Jones' cleavage :P).

Well, yes... it is worth it for that. But really, it was the only special effect that seemed to work. :D I juts wish that the story was as exciting as Catherine's bosom.


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#7 Post by Monterey Jack »

scorehead wrote:I just wish that the story was as exciting as Catherine's bosom.
Very few things are as exciting as Zeta-Jones' bosom. :P

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#8 Post by AndyDursin »

LOL. You guys crack me up -- and agreed on Catherine's cleavage :)

I will see this one with an open mind...I do find it hard, almost impossible to believe, that "SAW II" is a better film according to the "Tomato Meter" critics :shock:

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#9 Post by Monterey Jack »

Glad to read that you liked this, Andy. Can you believe how badly it was reviewed? :shock: Yes, it is slightly inferior to the original, but it's still a lot of swashbuckling fun (better than the overrated Pirates Of The Caribbean), and Catherine was lovely. :D

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#10 Post by AndyDursin »

Monterey Jack wrote:Glad to read that you liked this, Andy. Can you believe how badly it was reviewed? :shock: Yes, it is slightly inferior to the original, but it's still a lot of swashbuckling fun (better than the overrated Pirates Of The Caribbean), and Catherine was lovely. :D
I did enjoy it Jack, I have to admit. Great old fashioned fun! And I agree too, what WERE people watching -- I wasn't as entertained by most of the movies I saw in 2006.

I did not, however, think it was superior to PIRATES...but I would recommend it just the same :)

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Legend of Zorro

#11 Post by Jedbu »

:cry: I really missed Anthony Hopkins this time around. Banderas and Z-J were acting like a couple of sit-com characters (he's been saving the country for years and NOW she is pissed off?); the kid is obnoxious and has NO CLUE who dad is-puhleeze!: [SPOILER!-yeah,right] nitro glycerine made of soap bars!; the Confederate army already in place in 1850!!; :x I must admit the way Banderas dispatched one baddie was interesting-messy, but interesting.

Better than PIRATES. . .? No way!

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Re: Legend of Zorro

#12 Post by AndyDursin »

Jedbu wrote::cry: I really missed Anthony Hopkins this time around. Banderas and Z-J were acting like a couple of sit-com characters (he's been saving the country for years and NOW she is pissed off?); the kid is obnoxious and has NO CLUE who dad is-puhleeze!: [SPOILER!-yeah,right] nitro glycerine made of soap bars!; the Confederate army already in place in 1850!!; :x I must admit the way Banderas dispatched one baddie was interesting-messy, but interesting.

Better than PIRATES. . .? No way!
Agreed 100% there Jedbu. There's no question the movie had that "sequel" kind of feel -- the plot wasn't as interesting, the level of writing wasn't as strong, and some of it felt forced. Still, I was entertained for what it was...nowhere as classy and effective as the original, but for a fun, old-fashioned "matinee" kind of effort it did its job well enough for me.

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#13 Post by Monterey Jack »

Yeah, the abscence of Hopkins meant that Legend lacked the emotional gravitas of Mask (I'd heard a rumor once that Hopkins was going to film material for some flashback scenes, but apparently that idea was dropped), and some of the humor smacked of Spy Kids silliness (the horse in particular), but overall, I found the film to be wholly satisfying (and I really enjoyed the performance of wee Adrian Alonzo as Zorro Jr.). The harsh critical reaction to the film was just baffling. Hionestly, why did critcs seem so impatient and surly towards this movie? :?: Anyways, it was worth it just as a Catherine Zeta-Jones period costume fashion show. :P


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#14 Post by Eric W. »

I don't understand the Hate-orade that was swilled down in regards to this movie, either. It's basically more of the same: Fun. Escapist. Even a energetic score by Horner.

Considering the nasty, depressing, violent, negative crap being spewed out by Hollywood in such abundance these days, seeing a movie like this is downright refreshing and even encouraging. Support the thing just out of principle, if nothing else.

You'll have a good time! Promise! :)

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