TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - Headed For $100+ Million Loss

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - Trailer

#16 Post by AndyDursin »

Pretentious sounding douche director Tim Story going the route of the 2016 GHOSTBUSTERS crew -- already blaming the "unenlightened, unwoke" masses in advance. Pretty sure that's not going to work out well for him...
Q: An early “Dark Fate” poster received backlash, calling Davis and her co-stars “feminazis” and other chauvinist hate speech. How do you think she’ll be received in the room at Comic-Con?

A: If you’re at all enlightened, she’ll play like gangbusters. If you’re a closet misogynist, she’ll scare the f–k out of you, because she’s tough and strong but very feminine. We did not trade certain gender traits for others; she’s just very strong, and that frightens some dudes. You can see online the responses to some of the early s–t that’s out there, trolls on the internet. I don’t give a f–k.
...Also this exchange. So Cameron basically shows up every few months to tell him his movie sucks. LOL :D
Q: Do you get feedback from James Cameron?

A: Jim has moved to New Zealand to focus on “Avatar.” I saw him a couple times when I got back from shooting, and I showed him a director’s cut. Jim will come in and provide clarity in key moments about the goals of the franchise. He’s great about looking at things and saying, “This needs to be reinforced.” He’s like a diver into a pool. He dives to the bottom, jumps out and the pool settles. Dives in again. He occasionally cannonballs. But it’s incredible.
https://variety.com/2019/film/features/ ... 203262797/

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - Trailer

#17 Post by mkaroly »

The way the original question was asked in the first quote is just begging for the kind of response the director gave...lol...having said that though, the movie still looks very dull, female leads or not.

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - Trailer

#18 Post by AndyDursin »

Oh absolutely. Variety, Deadline -- those guys are absolutely hungering for a response to generate headlines. Story stepped right into the fray however with no hesitation! :lol:

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - Trailer

#19 Post by AndyDursin »

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - Trailer

#20 Post by Paul MacLean »

AndyDursin wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 4:33 pm Bad news: the music for the movie isn't going to be much better! (Junkie XL)
Can't wait to here the score which is based off of a temptrack of Remote Control scores, which were based of temptracks of Remote Control scores.

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - Edward Furlong Lives!

#21 Post by AndyDursin »

This is a much better trailer.

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - New (Improved) Trailer

#22 Post by AndyDursin »

Reviews are out. A few good ones, a lot of bad ones.

I'll be skipping a trip to the theater this time



The headline on this latest addition to the Terminator franchise—a Hollywood series that’s creaking like an aging T-800 with stiff joints—is that it reunites the people who made it great in the first place: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton and James Cameron (though not original co-producer Gale Anne Hurd). They’re back for Dark Fate, promising to straighten all those crooked timelines and deliver some honest-to-goodness shock and awe. On paper at least, that’s a tantalizing prospect.

In reality, however, the involvement of James Cameron is limited to a story and producer credit—and it’s hard to imagine the story took him longer than an Avatar 2 lunch break to whip together. The set-up and structure is so similar to 1991’s landmark Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Dark Fate could almost be called a remake. It’s a watery facsimile of that movie, so full of nods and winks that you worry that it may be having a stroke.

Deadpool director Tim Miller is the latest filmmaker to try to bring freshness to these reheated beats, and there are some promising flashes early on. That iconic shot of terminators skull-crunching their way across an apocalyptic landscape transforms into a tranquil beachside scene in one smooth edit. The tension at the heart of these Terminator movies was always between the clutch of terrified, clued-up survivors and the oblivious masses, and the moment captures it neatly.

The setting, 27 years after Judgment Day, then shifts south of the U.S. border where a Mexican woman, Dani (Natalia Reyes), finds herself under attack from a Rev-9 (Gabriel Luna), a new generation of killer ’bot sent back from the future. Riding to the rescue comes augmented supersoldier Grace (Mackenzie Davis), also from the future, sent to protect Dani, and Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor. She’s not from the future but she sure is pissed off enough to be. The pair of vying guardians come together at the end of a thunderously executed car chase (the film’s best moment), and are soon crossing swords like only two people from totally different timelines can.

It’s refreshing to be rooting for two fierce female leads in the same Terminator film—if there was such a thing as a Mechdel Test, this movie would ace it—and it’s a joy to see Hamilton back in familiar hard-ass garb, wielding a rocket launcher like the rest of us operate iPhones. But there’s so little new here that the parallels with T2 become invidious. That film’s genius was in knowing when to throw in a show-stopping visual at us (i.e., the T-1000 melting through prison bars) and when to keep the effects practical (i.e., the truck chase along the Los Angeles River waterbed). There’s none of that balance in Dark Fate, let alone the cat-and-mouse guile and character beats that helped elevate the 1991 sequel to the all-time sci-fi pantheon.

Instead, we get a CGI-drenched cargo plane sequence that feels fake and unengaging, and Luna’s Rev-9 clobbering its way through crowds of expendable bystanders. The liquid Rev-9 can morph, squid-like, with black tendrils as it repairs itself, like a cross between Robert Patrick’s iconic T-1000 and something you’d find in the freezer section of your local grocery store, but the character’s blandness drains the menace. Instead, sit back and enjoy Arnie’s committed turn as a battle-worn T-800 just trying to make a go of it as a man—okay, a killer cybernetic organism—of the land. The character once famous for saying next to nothing gets all the best lines. Sadly, it’s the only surprise here.


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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - New (Improved) Trailer

#23 Post by Monterey Jack »

This isn't the first time people bitched incessantly about a post-Cameron Terminator sequel, and I've enjoyed them all, so...

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - New (Improved) Trailer

#24 Post by AndyDursin »

David S. Goyer, one of the ultimate hack screenwriters, wasn't on those previous sequels though!

You know I liked them all too more or less, but I'm not paying to see this one. Looks like trash. I'll get to it when it hits UHD.

The Entertainment Weekly review ("C") though does say it's unintentionally funny at least -- calling it "goofy" and "pointless".

https://ew.com/movie-reviews/2019/10/22 ... dark-fate/

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - New (Improved) Trailer

#25 Post by AndyDursin »

I'll just say this -- sequels that start off by pissing all over the outcomes of their predecessors usually don't sit well with fans. Nobody apparently learned the lesson of ALIEN 3 here I guess.

I am going to be stunned if this film does north of $40 million next weekend. The estimates seem way too high, and the word of mouth amongst fans who have seen it (it opened overseas already) isn't good.

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - New (Improved) Trailer

#26 Post by AndyDursin »


‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Conking Out Stateside With $28M Opening

https://deadline.com/2019/11/terminator ... 202774477/

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - He's Dead Jim (For Real This Time?)

#27 Post by Monterey Jack »


"Necessary"? Not especially, but like the last three post-Cameron Terminator movies, Dark Fate is fast-paced, cleverly-convoluted, boasts some exciting action setpieces, and it's fun to see Linda Hamilton back as a particularly jaded, sardonic Sarah Connor. I just love the iconography of this series, and I was completely okay with going through the motions again with this degree of sleekness and momentum. And Natalia Reyes is muy caliente.


Like last year's Halloween, I don't care for how it wipes the slate clean of the previous "bad" sequels, which I've enjoyed all along, but as far as a "direct" sequel to T2 goes (replete with a technically startling prologue I wasn't expecting), it's certainly exciting and an enjoyable sit, even if Arnie's role seems an odd fit. Still, recommended for fans of the series. :)

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - He's Dead Jim (For Real This Time?)

#28 Post by AndyDursin »

The numbers are embarrassing. Both here and internationally.

In hindsight, I think they would've been better off starting fresh, perhaps with all-new characters, maybe allude to the old ones -- basically do what they did with SALVATION (what a concept right? that sequel looks positively groundbreaking at this point) with at least a new cast and just a few callouts to the past (like CGI'd Arnold at the end of that movie).

GENISYS already gave us the rehashed Arnold and a rehashed storyline -- so there's zero novelty in seeing him here again. Linda Hamilton's back! OK, but does anyone care?

This one has Cameron's name -- but he actually DIDN'T hands-on produce it, and apparently had many fights with the director over the direction of the story (see the box-office thread post I quoted). So he's really only there as a brand name, and given he's directed 1 movie basically in the near QUARTER-CENTURY since TITANIC came out (!), even then, it doesn't mean much today.

To me, they completely misread the market for this film's potential. The previous films (as much as we've enjoyed them) eroded the franchise's value to the point where nothing was going to work outside something DRASTIC -- like a new cast, new characters, something different. Instead they gave everybody more of the same, it seems, and we've already gotten that...several times over.

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - He's Dead Jim (For Real This Time?)

#29 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2019 11:43 amTo me, they completely misread the market for this film's potential. The previous films (as much as we've enjoyed them) eroded the franchise's value to the point where nothing was going to work outside something DRASTIC -- like a new cast, new characters, something different. Instead they gave everybody more of the same, it seems, and we've already gotten that...several times over.
Hamilton has a wry line in the new film which is something to the effect of "Those FUDGERS...they never learn", relating to how in the new, rebooted timeline Cyberdyne never existed, but a TOTALLY DIFFERENT A.I. system was born, which led to a virtually identical apocalyptic future, and that's really the problem with every sequel after the first...they're all the same basic formula, just gussied up with flashy new tech (yes, even T2). The underrated Salvation was the only one to break with that formula (no time-travel, no Arnie), and it did merely okay. Even as good as The Force Awakens was, it was just a "reskinned" version of the original Star Wars, every character and plot beat fitting in like a generic Lego brick. :? People are beginning to catch onto this crap, and studios have to learn to adjust.

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Re: TERMINATOR: DARK FATE - November 1st - He's Dead Jim (For Real This Time?)

#30 Post by AndyDursin »

Yeah, instead of the "Empire" it's the FIRST ORDER. Instead of "Skynet" it's LEGION. Audiences aren't stupid, they can see right through it.
The underrated Salvation was the only one to break with that formula (no time-travel, no Arnie), and it did merely okay.
SALVATION was solid. They should've known right then and there that if that one wasn't enough to get the box-office going (with Bale at a career peak too) nothing would have.

I just bought the 4K UHD from the UK -- that movie got trashed because of McG's involvement but I think we agree, that is one of the better "franchise revisits" of the last decade. At least it was trying to do something different, and when they brought "young Arnold" back at the end, it was a real crowd pleaser. It would've been interesting to see where the sequels to that would've gone -- probably "back to the future" a la GENISYS, but been done more effectively.

Their mistake here was thinking "oh we need the R, that will help!" and that the hardcore fanbase would respond to Linda Hamilton and Cameron's "blessing" also. But it's just too late, the bus had already left the station and it just LOOKED tired (I'm sure I'll probably still enjoy it when I see it on UHD).

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