JAWS: Yet Another Release

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JAWS: Yet Another Release

#1 Post by MikeSkerritt »

30th Anniversary Edition. Two discs. June 2005.

I'll let DVDAnswers handle the rest:

"Universal has sent over the final disc specs for the upcoming Jaws: 30th Anniversary Edition which will be arriving in shops from the 14th June this year. The film itself will be presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen along with English Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono, English DTS 5.1, French Dolby Digital 5.1 and Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks. Extras will include deleted scenes and outtakes, a From the Set featurette, some Shark Facts, a Making of Jaws featurette, storyboards, production photos, and two features on the marketing of the film and the Jaws Phenomenon. English, French and Spanish subtitles will also be provided along with a Commemorative Photo Journal and collectible packaging."

Now, JAWS is one of my all-time favorite movies. That's right, I said movie. Not film; movie. JAWS practically defines the word movie.

But don't you think Universal's handling of the DVD, all the constant double dippings, is a little ridiculous? Is there something included in these specs that cannot be had with any previous DVD release? From what I understand, the "Making of Jaws" documentary included is a full hour longer than that featured on previous releases, but it doesn't say that anywhere here.

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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

I'm with you. JAWS is one of my all-time favorites. In fact, growing up, I was more into JAWS than even STAR WARS...maybe it's because I live in New England (same as you did growing up) and feel a connection with the film, and also because I've been to Martha's Vineyard a handful of times, particularly sailing around with my folks when I was a little tyke. I still feel as an all-around entertainment JAWS is one of the greatest films ever made...filmmaking, editing, even the performances (which some overlook), and the dialogue, not to mention the score...it's just an all-time classic.

I've also bought JAWS more times than I care to remember! One of the greatest thrills I've had since I got into the laserdisc/DVD scene back when I was in high school was seeing the Letterboxed Laserdisc of JAWS for the first time. Even though I had grown up on the movie, I had never seen it in widescreen until Universal did their LD release back in, I believe it was as late as 1990 or 1991...it was amazing to see the scope composition Spielberg used on that film for the first time. When I went out to MV a few years later I saw JAWS theatrically -- with Lukas, in fact! -- on the Vineyard. Until you see the movie in widescreen you just haven't experienced it as it was meant to be seen.

As far as this DVD goes, MCA/Universal did a great (read expensive: $130) limited edition laserdisc box set in the mid '90s. It was supposed to have isolated score but that didn't materialize. Nevertheless, it did have a great documentary (feature length) which Universal hacked to pieces for the first JAWS DVD release, in addition to some other goodies.

While I'm not one for double-dipping ordinarily, Universal has reasons to make amends for the previous DVD (including hacking the documentary down). From the specs you posted, the anniversary release sounds like they've got it right -- the documentary hopefully will be the long version (guess I can throw out my DVD-R transfer!), and there were a few extra deleted scenes on the LD (more like outtakes) that could also be included on the new DVD, since they were bypassed the first time around. The DTS soundtrack would be a nice holdover from the previous DTS DVD, and it sounds like all is on-track in that department.

Of course we'll just have to wait and see what ends up on the disc...missing a few things from the LD would be at this point absolutely inexplicable given that this is a 2-DVD set.

I just love JAWS...a unique combination of elements (the shark not working for one) resulted in the film becoming a classic. The irony is, if it was produced today, the shark would be CGI, the actors wouldn't be out on the actual locations filming it (they'd be back on a green screen in Lucasfilm's Australian studios), and as a result all the improvised elements that made JAWS such a classic -- particularly the dialogue and interplay between the characters -- would be lost altogether.

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#3 Post by Monterey Jack »

While it will be great to have the full-length, 2-hour Laurent Bouzereau documentary preserved on DVD (it's one of the best ever done), the real reason to applaud this double-dip is that Universal is finally providing the film's original mono soundtrack (which earned one of the film's three Oscars, remember), which was utterly butchered for the highly problematic 5.1 remix on the earlier disc. I couldn't believe my ears when I watched the first DVD release going on 5 years ago, and one of the film's most evocative sound effects (the whale song that causes Brody to remark "What the hell's that?") was completely missing! :evil: Especially unforgivable because Brody, Quint and Hooper begin to sing "Show Me The Way To Go Home" in time to the whale song! Just the fact that the mono track is being included on the new DVD is reason enough to buy it.

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#4 Post by AndyDursin »

While it will be great to have the full-length, 2-hour Laurent Bouzereau documentary preserved on DVD (it's one of the best ever done), the real reason to applaud this double-dip is that Universal is finally providing the film's original mono soundtrack (which earned one of the film's three Oscars, remember), which was utterly butchered for the highly problematic 5.1 remix on the earlier disc.
It will be great to have, except that nearly every mono track on a DVD I've heard is horribly compressed and tinny. In all the years I've been covering discs I've never heard one really outstanding mono track on a DVD, or at least one that didn't pale in comparison to its laserdisc counterpart.

JAWS will be particularly interesting because the mono sound on the LD is so clear it almost sounds stereophonic. But something tells me the DVD audio won't sound half as good as its laserdisc (or heck, even its VHS) counterpart because it will be compressed down to the point where you'll need to turn the volume up to max levels to get any kind of presence out of it. (That the DVD coming out will have numerous audio tracks isn't a good sign -- priority in terms of compression will be handed over to the 5.1 mixes, same as it is for every DVD out there).

Interesting point about the 5.1 remix on the JAWS 25th Anniversary edition -- I've had the DTS DVD and to be honest haven't watched it more than once or twice over the years...I actually liked the mix for the most part, but it's been so long I can't recall there being major problems (though I've read people complaining online about it for years). Was the DTS as prone to the problems as the Dolby Digital mix?

To me, I'd still rather have a 5.1 remix --provided they don't screw up with omissions like the one you mentioned and enhancements like added sound FX-- than a 1.0 or 2.0 mono track because non 5.1 tracks on DVD simply suck. (I know, eloquently stated, but it's true)...

JAWS 2 is a case in point -- the DVD's mono soundtrack is one of the worst I've ever heard, at least in terms of its heavy compression. Compare it to the LD or even a VHS release and it's like tuning into a drive-in movie speaker that's several years past its prime. :( Another personal favorite of mine, I'd buy it in a second if they did a 5.1 remix.

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#5 Post by Eric Paddon »

I don't often make a big deal about lack of an original sound mix, but "Jaws" was an exception since I found the changes like with the whale song to be really jarring. If the original is included with a new one, terrific, though the real thing I want to see is the documentary back to its full length version. I still have the LD, but lack of space in my living accomodations since I moved has kept the LD player in storage (along with all remaining LDs I have).

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#6 Post by AndyDursin »

Eric -- welcome aboard. Good to see you here.

One thing to look out for is if Universal's mono track on the new JAWS DVD....is taken directly off the stereo re-mix, just downmixed for mono. :shock: Stranger things have happened...

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#7 Post by AndyDursin »

I couldn't believe my ears when I watched the first DVD release going on 5 years ago, and one of the film's most evocative sound effects (the whale song that causes Brody to remark "What the hell's that?") was completely missing!
That sound effect *IS* there in the DTS release from 2000 (I actually checked it out tonight after reading your post)...which adds further evidence to some earlier opinions that the DTS version had none of the flaws from the Dolby Digital track on the other JAWS DVD Universal released that year.


#8 Post by MikeSkerritt »

Just as a complete aside to throw into this discussion, I still own the first generation JAWS VHS release (in pan and scan, no less) specifically for the audio mix, which to me keeps intact a big piece of what made the film such an endearing part of my childhood (yes, my parents are weird), flaws and all.

Andy, if I remember correctly there is a whale sound in the DTS mix, but it's not the same was the one that appeared in the original mix.

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#9 Post by AndyDursin »

Andy, if I remember correctly there is a whale sound in the DTS mix, but it's not the same was the one that appeared in the original mix.
Aaah, okay. I hate to admit this but I don't have a problem with the new sound FX -- especially when the shark blows up at the end of the film. The old sound effect was like a 1950s TV western when Brody's gun goes off.

BTW it's confirmed that it's the full length documentary on the new DVD, plus the original theatrical mono track (in addition to the DTS & Dolby Digital tracks for those who prefer the stereo remix soundtrack).

I just wish they'd re-do JAWS 2 and at least include a remix 5.1 track (or a decent, not-hideously-compressed mono track like the current DVD!).

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#10 Post by Eric Paddon »

Full length documentary and original mix means I can watch this film again! It'll be nice to free up some storage space by selling off the LD Boxed set.

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#11 Post by AndyDursin »

Well I just received the new 30th Anniversary DVD and...


Not a teaser, not a trailer...absolutely nothing. This is, to say the very least, inexcusable!!

Quite honestly this whole package is something of a disappointment. The menus have been ripped from the earlier DVD. The "archives" are straight ports -- and I mean direct (and less than crisp) screen captures -- from the 1995 laserdisc release. The 2-hour documentary is intact, but with the individual chapter titles deleted so there's no way to identify (at least visually) what section of the program they're talking about.

The mono track IS included but be warned it's compressed and doesn't sound half as good as it did on the Laserdisc.

The deleted scenes and outtakes are all included too, but somehow the picture quality looks less crisp than they did on the LD (and again, they look like they've been taken right off the laserdisc!).

The lone new addition worth anything here is a 8-minute segment produced by British TV, covering the first few days of production. It's fun and has footage of Carl Gottlieb falling into the water, plus a Spielberg interview...great fun for fans but it's a shame it wasn't longer.

In all, I'm not sure what to say. If you're a die-hard JAWS fan and never owned the LaserDisc box, this is obviously worth it -- but DON'T dispose of your earlier DVD because there are no trailers! Talk about a disappointment.....this is another situation where you will need to own multiple copies to get the maximum JAWS experience.

Maybe by the time they do the new documentary and produce ANOTHER box set, they'll really get it right. :(

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#12 Post by Eric Paddon »

Leave it to Universal to be utter cheapskates when it comes to presenting what should have been the last word on this title (in the same way all their TV show releases of late have altered music). I don't even think I'm going to buy it now, even though I still can't watch the LD because I don't have room to hook up the player right now.

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#13 Post by AndyDursin »

leave it to Universal to be utter cheapskates when it comes to presenting what should have been the last word on this title (in the same way all their TV show releases of late have altered music). I don't even think I'm going to buy it now, even though I still can't watch the LD because I don't have room to hook up the player right now.
Eric, if you still have the old LD set, I can't see any reason to pick this up. Even the original DVD had the trailers on it!

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