When will Canada & the USA get the new Sergio editions

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andy b
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When will Canada & the USA get the new Sergio editions

#1 Post by andy b »

Hi to you all

Does anyone have any idea when we will be getting the new editions of A Fistful of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More & A Fistful of Dynamite (aka Duck You Sucker)?

R2 has had them a while, but a very good friend in the UK told me Dynamite was edited & he also found the copy of F A F D More to be 'poor' & not up to the R1 standard of The Good The bad & The Ugly?

I know Sony own MGM/UA but I'd of thought these would be out by now.

Any news from thos in the know would be great.

andy b

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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Maybe Trevor or someone overseas can give us a read on those R2 DVDs.

The fact that Sony bought MGM will certainly slow down some of their catalog titles I would think. All of the Pink Panther discs got delayed into 2006 (presumably because of the remake being delayed), and I'm not sure other catalog titles won't suffer a similar fate as they "re-brand" MGM or figure out if they're disposing of the trademark altogether. :(


#3 Post by Carlson2005 »

I've no idea yet of US release dates - the Sony MGM merger is throwing a lot of things off-balance at the moment, although hopefuly it will eventually mean MGM/UA titles not dropping all the extras for their back-catalog R2 titles, which they tend to do on all but their special editions.

As for the cuts on Dynamite, well, yes and no.

The film had two endings - one with the flashback, one without (both are on the laserdisc). The European flashback ending was for some reason dropped from the European R2 first DVD issue of the film: not exactly a cut, since they thought the US version of the two-and-a-half-hour cut was the approved one until Christopher Frayling pointed out the error (for what its worth, this mix-up happens a bit with MGM/UA - they released the cut US version of Dogs of War in Europe and the uncut European version in the US only: go figure).

For the special edition, the flashback ending has been restored. However, 3 seconds of possibly illegal horsefalls have been cut, which is pretty much standard practice in Europe these days even when the falls are 'safe' (The Wind and the Lion was so heavily cut for horsefalls for the UK video that Columbia won't release it over here despite the fact that no horses were hurt). Otherwise, it is the uncut European version.

The cut scene from For a Few Dollars More is apparently missing from all versions and is unlikely to be restored in the US either.

John Johnson
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#4 Post by John Johnson »

I think it will happen, just not yet. Sony is preparing the special editions to The Battle of Britain and The Bridge Too Far. These came out in the U.K. last year, before the Sergio editions, just give it time. I too am waiting for these.

andy b
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#5 Post by andy b »

John can you give me some idea of whats new on the Bridge Too Far SP Ed?

I have the regular release & I also have a copy from an old friend who used to work for UA, which has a few extra insert type shots, that appeared on the European Intervision label. But it's really bad pan & scan & the sound is awful. I think it was some kind of cross breed tv print/work print, any hint of bad language is dubbed over, my favourite being Ryan O'Niel saying 'where are those gosh darn boats' instead of 'God damn boats' & James Caan in the hospital tent saying 'I'll blow your ugly head off'!!

I understand The Battle of Britain will have the errors corrected on the Churchill quote & it will be the standard European release.

Any Bride Too Far info would be great.


andy b


#6 Post by Carlson2005 »

I think I've seen that TV version - every time God is mentioned, a plane flies overhead or a tank rumbling by is added to the soundtrack to drown it out. The major difference between that and the international print is a brief scene of soldiers bursting through a ruined building only to find a tank on the other side replaces the 'red beret' sequence, that may not have been in any of the US prints.

Here's a list of what's on the UK disc:

- includes audio commentary by William Goldman, Peter Macdonald, Stuart Craig, John Richardson, Roy Button and Jon Burlingame; documentaries Heroes From the Sky, A Distant Battle – Memories of Operation Market Garden and Richard Attenborough – A Filmmaker Remembers; stills gallery; trivia track; original theatrical trailer; and booklet (different to the previous issue).

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