cheap double feature dvds

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andy b
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cheap double feature dvds

#1 Post by andy b »

Why is it that there are so many of these cheap double feature dvds about & the prints are awful?

I have bought a number of them in the past in the vain hope of getting something watchable, but have never had any luck.

I really enjoy movies such as Gold (great Elemer Bernstien score to), They Call Me Trinity, Trinity Is Still My Name, Chino to name but a few & the copies are pretty much unwatchable. Not only are many (including the above, except Chino) letterbox movies really badly pan & scaned, but the actual soundtracks & pictures are either distorted, or out of sync.

Are these movies just not available in a decent format or have they some copyright 'get out clause' which allows them to be put out in such away?

I suppose with so many 'cheap' versions about, no company would bother to release a decent version now, but does anyone know why this has happened in the first place?

andy b :D

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#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Are these movies just not available in a decent format or have they some copyright 'get out clause' which allows them to be put out in such away?
That's exactly the reason. Beware the cut-rate, no-name DVD...I picked up GOLD years ago and it's just as you described.

It's odd in that movie's case as well -- that was a UA-distributed film, was it not?

andy b
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#3 Post by andy b »

Hi Andy

not sure who handled the movie Gold in North America, I saw it when I was living in the UK & it was if my memory serves me right a Hemdale release. Who if I'm correct also later produced Platoon among many others.

I know it was released through the Rank Organisation Odeon chain of theatres & it was 1 of the BIG releases of the year. Which makes it's appearence on a throw away label even more puzzling!

To make matters worse for me on this actual film a reletive who worked at the actual mine they filmed in was one of the safty guys & he is in the letter boxed version in many scenes, but of course gone in the P & S versions!

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