KimchiDVD and NOVAmedia sales (South Korea)

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KimchiDVD and NOVAmedia sales (South Korea)

#1 Post by sprocket »

I've noticed a couple of interesting sales on Korean produced blu-rays.

I picked up Attila Marcel ($16), One Week ($16), Sorum ($11) and Shunji Iwai’s Blu-ray Collection for $33, which includes Love Letter, April Story, and Hana & Alice - the latter with no English sub-titles.

For the NOVAmedia sale, most are 50% off. The price displayed within the product web page is charged "net of discount" only at checkout. It is definitely an awkward checkout process. I highly recommend Joint Security Area, if you haven't seen it. Most of the Fortune Star releases are reputedly poorer quality transfers. I picked up The Signal ($15) and Happy End ($13). Shipping is pretty expensive.

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