Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

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Paul MacLean
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Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#1 Post by Paul MacLean » ... ones_film/

I have to say it's nice that we -- and John Williams -- have lived to see the day when Williams' involvement in an upcoming movie is actually newsworthy.

Though sadly, we also live in an age where I couldn't care less what any other "A-list" composer is working on next.

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#2 Post by Monterey Jack »

Still have no clue how they're gonna convincingly pull this off when Harrison Ford is in his was hard enough to buy him in the role at age sixty-five a decade ago. :? The last thing I want to see is an Indiana Jones movie where we cut to a decades-younger stunt double in every other shot, or seeing Ford's face pasted onto a digital model. As blasphemous as it may be to admit, if Disney is hell-bent on making another Indy flick, they should bite the bullet and re-cast, like with the Young Han Solo movie. Seeing Ford playing the role again now will be akin to seeing Roger Moore limping through A View To A Kill. :oops:

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#3 Post by Eric W. »

Wish this project weren't happening.

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#4 Post by AndyDursin »

I also wish this movie wasn't happening. They soiled things enough with CRYSTAL SKULL. Now with Disney involved, you know the movie will be exceedingly competent but will stay true to their formulaic blueprints. I'd expect this to be a rehash of RAIDERS just like THE FORCE AWAKENS was to STAR WARS itself.

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#5 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:I'd expect this to be a rehash of RAIDERS just like THE FORCE AWAKENS was to STAR WARS itself.

Last Crusade was already a rehash of Raiders. :P

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#6 Post by AndyDursin »

Monterey Jack wrote:
AndyDursin wrote:I'd expect this to be a rehash of RAIDERS just like THE FORCE AWAKENS was to STAR WARS itself.

Last Crusade was already a rehash of Raiders. :P
Well yes, the premise was obviously but the Connery component was not a rehash.

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#7 Post by Paul MacLean »

I can think of worse things than an Indiana Jones movie set in the 60s.


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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#8 Post by AndyDursin »

Alas this is late-era Spielberg, whose recent sojourns back to "escapist land" have ended up being THE LOST WORLD, WAR OF THE WORLDS and KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL TURD. Plus TINTIN. And THE BFG.

The more I think about it given his track record...I really wish they'd just leave it alone. :(

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#9 Post by Monterey Jack »

It was one thing when Ford reprised the role of Han Solo...he spent most of the movie sitting in a cockpit or standing around shooting his gun (this was even true in the original trilogy, really...Han didn't get into much in the way of fisticuffs). The role of Indy requires a lot of rough & tumble physicality, and he was barely able to pull it off a decade ago, let alone today. This smacks of Disney trying to squeeze every penny out of their Lucasfilm acquisition, and after Star Wars, the only thing Lucas has ever touched that has matched the same level of worldwide recognition and popularity has been Indiana Jones, and since Spielberg and Ford obviously don't want to let anyone else have a crack at the property, we're left with a bored director who clearly has matured past this kind of juvenile adventure film, and a leading man way too old for this kind of thing. We didn't expect a 75-year-old Fred Astaire to still be pulling off elaborate dancing routines, so why should we expect an action hero to still be able to run & jump around at an age when he should be collecting social security and growling at kids to get off his lawn? :lol: I'd be ALL for a new actor being introduced in the role...just rewind to the 1920s and feature a fresh-out-of-college Indy setting off on a fruitful career in archeology (much like those fine Rob MacGregor novels that were published in the early 90's). We've had six 007s, why not one new Indy? And NOT Chris Pratt or some other trendy choice...really make a treasure hunt out of choosing a talented unknown.

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#10 Post by AndyDursin »

Movie will release in 2020. Ford will be 78!

They blew their shot at opening the door for Indy's son with Shia as neither he nor Spielberg even want him what exactly IS this movie going to be? A very special Young Indiana Jones chronicle?

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#11 Post by Monterey Jack »

AndyDursin wrote:Movie will release in 2020. Ford will be 78!

They blew their shot at opening the door for Indy's son with Shia as neither he nor Spielberg even want him what exactly IS this movie going to be? A very special Young Indiana Jones chronicle?
It's insanity to think that a nearly eighty-year-old man can possibly stand up to the rigors of such an action-heavy role...are they trying to kill Ford for real? :? Who wants to see an Indy who's essentially going to be shot in facial close-ups before cutting away to a decades-younger stuntman or full digital re-creation every 30 seconds?

I have the sneaking suspicion that Ford and Spielberg want to "atone" for the poor reception to Crystal Skull, but how is THIS going to help? The best way to atone would be to simply leave the character be, or else let another director/star combo have a crack at it. Get Martin Campbell or Joe Johnston behind the camera, hire a charismatic lead in his twenties and set the new film in the 1920's. Yeah, there would be a lot of grumbling about how "blasphemous" it is to re-cast Ford, but it's already happening with Han Solo, and you KNOW that film is still going to make huge money even if it's lame. If Crystal Skull had a better script, it would have served fine as a send-off for the character (Ford was still in fine shape a decade ago and pulled off the physical stuff with admirable flexibility), but now it'll just be sad to witness. :oops:

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#12 Post by Paul MacLean »

AndyDursin wrote:Movie will release in 2020. Ford will be 78!

They blew their shot at opening the door for Indy's son with Shia as neither he nor Spielberg even want him what exactly IS this movie going to be? A very special Young Indiana Jones chronicle?
Indiana Jones is one of the most interesting fictional characters created in the 20th century -- but one who has rarely lived up to his possibilities.

While Raiders is an incontestable classic, and features some of the strongest work of Lucas and Spielberg, I often think that they would have done better to model the ensuing franchise on the Bond films -- i.e. hiring other directors to helm the sequels, producing a new film every two years, and when Ford eventually tired of the role, casting a new actor (like Tom Selleck, who was their original choice anyway).

Unfortunately, because they determined that Harrison Ford "is" Indiana Jones, and every Jones picture must be "A Steven Spielberg Film", you now have a star who is two decades too old to play the part, and a director who doesn't seem able to channel the same inspiration that drove the early movies.

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Re: Guess it's official -- Williams scoring Indy 5

#13 Post by KevinEK »

It occurs to me that when they shoot this movie, presumably in 2019, Harrison Ford at 77 will be older than George Hall was when he played "Old Indy" in the Young Indiana Jones series.
That says a lot.

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