CAPTAIN MARVEL - Music Controversy?

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CAPTAIN MARVEL - Music Controversy?

#1 Post by AndyDursin »

Look it's a super-heroine...with a female co-director...and it looks just like every other Marvel movie!

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL - 2019 - Trailer

#2 Post by AndyDursin »

Trailer #2...

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL - 2019 - Trailer

#3 Post by AndyDursin »

Best comment on Deadline's board this month (maybe this year)... :lol:
The greatest trick this multi-billion dollar corporation ever pulled was convincing the rubes that by handing over their fool-ass money, they’re making a noble stand.

Disney always had the kids, always had the nostalgic types. The only consumers they haven’t connected with historically are sanctimonious adults, and now it’s their key demo. The Mouse is a genius. ... 202513018/

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL - March 2019 - New Trailer

#4 Post by AndyDursin »

Every trailer for this movie has been mediocre and Larson's flat, DOA delivery isnt encouraging either. And is anyone else tired of Jackson at this point??

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL - March 2019 - New Trailer

#5 Post by AndyDursin »

Between the 100 minute run time (85 minus credits I am guessing lol), Larson's strident press tour comments on her and the movie's woke feminism, and a lousy trailer, I am going to sit this one out. Whats interesting to see are the media outlets already offering apologies for the film and targeting "internet trolls". A lame movie is a lame movie, but these days, its just easy to blame the internet trolls instead of yourself for making a bad movie.

We havent seen reviews yet but the self defense mechanism is already up in full force.

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL - March 2019 - New Trailer

#6 Post by AndyDursin »

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL - March 2019 - New Trailer

#7 Post by AndyDursin »

Another positive review..


“Captain Marvel” suffers from anemic characters, lame comic relief and, worst of all, a talented actress who’s all wrong to play a superheroine.

Movies like “Wonder Woman,” “The Terminator” and “Aliens” showcased powerful women. They packed a feminist punch without ever suggesting a lecture. They entertained first and foremost. The culture absorbed their subtle messages on their own.

“Captain Marvel,” down to the eye-rolling musical choice of No Doubt’s “Just a Girl,” cares far more about lecturing audiences than entertaining them. ... view-woke/

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#8 Post by Paul MacLean »

And so begins the onslaught of polemics which (once again) blame the movie's failure on "angry white men"... ... 3p5m9CESQ0

Thea article doesn't mention however that "angry white men" had no problem with Wonder Woman. :roll:

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#9 Post by Eric Paddon »

And yet more about the PC insanity that grips the entertainment industry. ... in-marvel/

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#10 Post by AndyDursin »

I call BS on any review that praises the supposed "importance" of this film. I realize "young people"'s knowledge of history is often limited to yesterday's Twitter timeline, but what is amazing about this film? That it has a female lead? I don't remember WONDER WOMAN making THAT big of a deal out of it the way this movie is. I also remember ALIENS, THE TERMINATOR, any movie that Pam Grier was in back in the 70s...I also remember Halle Berry playing CATWOMAN. And she's from a mixed racial background, too!

Oh right, it's the first MARVEL MOVIE with a female superhero carrying the film. Is that the worlds fault -- or just Marvel's -- that they waited so long? Sorry that alone doesn't make it some kind of culturally significant moment. And I don't need to see the movie to know that Larson's line readings ARE flat. She sounds like she's channeling Kristy Swanson in BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, but her flat affection in that movie was supposed to be a joke.

Still, it's good to see Disney getting ahead of the critics by calling them all hateful trolls who can't stomach a (and here's their buzz word) "strong woman" carrying a movie. Must have stolen Sony's GHOSTBUSTERS playbook from a couple of years ago.

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#11 Post by Eric Paddon »

AndyDursin wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:21 pm I call BS on any review that praises the supposed "importance" of this film. I realize "young people"'s knowledge of history is often limited to yesterday's Twitter timeline, but what is amazing about this film? That it has a female lead? I don't remember WONDER WOMAN making THAT big of a deal out of it the way this movie is. I also remember ALIENS, THE TERMINATOR, any movie that Pam Grier was in back in the 70s...I also remember Halle Berry playing CATWOMAN. And she's from a mixed racial background, too!
Heck, you can also go back to Raquel Welch in "One Million Years B.C." and "Kansas City Bomber" playing a "strong woman"!

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#12 Post by AndyDursin »

Nancy Drew too!

I mean there are many examples over the decades, but history seems to be lost on pretty much everyone...everywhere really.

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#13 Post by Johnmgm »

Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t pay that much attention to this kind of stuff, but I don’t recall this much negativity when either Black Panther or Wonder Woman were released. Did the stars of either of those movies gode potential ticket buyers?

What I find amusing, is that adult females take this superhero stuff more seriously than kids/teenagers. When I took my daughter to see Wonder Woman (she was 13-14 at the time) there were women in the audience with tears in their eyes. My daughter asked one if she was OK and the woman told her she was moved to tears by WW and had seen it twice (this the first showing on opening day).

Later my daughter told me she didn’t get it as there were female superheroes in The Avengers series, X-Men series, and that Wonder Woman was in (and the best part of) Batman vs. Superman.

I encountered a similar situation with a friend of ours and her girls gave me the same eye rolling reaction that my daughter did.

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#14 Post by AndyDursin »

What I find amusing, is that adult females take this superhero stuff more seriously than kids/teenagers. When I took my daughter to see Wonder Woman (she was 13-14 at the time) there were women in the audience with tears in their eyes. My daughter asked one if she was OK and the woman told her she was moved to tears by WW and had seen it twice (this the first showing on opening day).
That, I can understand, because a lot of women -- older women especially -- have a connection with Wonder Woman, be it through the comic books or the Lynda Carter series. If you grew up in the 70s or 80s WW was the only super-hero for them to identify with, if you were watching the Carter show or Super Friends, etc. I experienced some emotional folks around me watching the WW movie also and I think it was for that reason. I don't think it registered as much for younger viewers. Heck, even my 80-year-old mom wanted to see it!

This film is a bit different -- I read Marvel Comics growing up all the time, I never remember Captain Marvel showing up in most of the books I read. Every time the character did, it was in a different guise (new suit, new character name). There wasn't as much continuity there -- to me, Captain Marvel, from her origin to her powers, seems like Marvel's female version of DC's Green Lantern. There are a lot of similarities, but the connection people have with the character? It's not like Wonder Woman, or even close.

Either way, to go back to what you asked John, this movie just seems to be a media-generated event of "cultural significance", much in the same way Black Panther was (we'll forget Wesley Snipes played BLADE!). Here though, there's also been a great deal of pre-release publicity by the studio and the stars to really drive up the agenda and pick apart would-be critics in advance (possibly because the film isn't very good). And yes, Larson has gone on the offensive. I mean, when you rail on about "too many white men reviewing movies" and say this...
“I don’t want to hear what a white man has to say about ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’ I want to hear what a woman of color, a biracial woman has to say about the film
That's going to divide people right off the bat. Add in the "woke" agenda -- hiring the composer because she's a woman for starters -- and you do have a movie that looks like it's going to wage a war against "toxic masculinity" to a degree above and beyond the expected.

To their credit, Disney's PR campaign is working in the expected places -- witness headlines like these, from outlets predisposed to ingesting the kool-aid:

How Brie Larson’s ‘Captain Marvel’ Made Angry White Men Lose Their Damn Minds ... damn-minds


And on and on it goes. I just want to see the movie, and be free to say I don't like it without being pegged as an "angry white man" if I do.

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Re: CAPTAIN MARVEL "Drowns in Victimhood"

#15 Post by Eric Paddon »

Actually this character in Marvel was "Ms. Marvel." The "Captain Marvel" in the Marvel Universe was a male character who eventually died and then later a black woman took the character name. But I guess using the actual character name of this one, even with the 70s feminist title "Ms." would still call attention too much to basic gender biology in their eyes!

Ironically I remember in the 70s when the original DC comics Captain Marvel had his show "Shazam" and how it was paired off eventually with the oh-so-sexy Joanna Cameron as "Isis", a superheroine who like Carter's WW was groundbreaking (beautiful but also powerful and intelligent) *without* shoving an agenda in our faces.

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