and the next remake is:

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and the next remake is:

#1 Post by romanD »

THE HITCHER!!! Lol... I was just saying this a couple weeks ago, that a remake of this wouldn't come as a surprise and there we have it now...

First, I'd say, this could be really a good movie... but: The original hasn't dated at all so far and it is brilliant the way it is. So why remake it?

And third: The remaker is going to be... Michael Bay... aaaaargh... ok, he's only producing, but we know what that means...

too bad they didn't give a known and experienced thriller team the chance, now we have HITCHER- THE HIGHWAY CHASE!

ok, what's next... FRIGHT NIGHT will get a remake Im sure...

Eric W.
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#2 Post by Eric W. »

Everything is going to get a remake. Hollywood has run out of ideas.

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#3 Post by romanD »

but I don't really mind.. I think there are some movies, which can become a lot better or just different when remade... so, Im always open to them and sometimes Im even looking forward to them.. but still there are some of which I don't know how to make them better or different (in a good way).

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Has anyone noticed...

#4 Post by scorehead »

Has anyone noticed that John Carpenter is getting an overhaul this year? First "Assault on Precint 13," gets updated and now "The Fog" is slated for a face lift.

What's going one - the next thing you know they'll be doing a remake of "Halloween." Oh... never mind.



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Has anyone noticed...

#5 Post by scorehead »

Has anyone noticed that John Carpenter is getting an overhaul this year? First "Assault on Precint 13," gets updated and now "The Fog" is slated for a face lift.

What's going on - the next thing you know they'll be doing a remake of "Halloween." Oh... never mind.



Eric W.
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Re: Has anyone noticed...

#6 Post by Eric W. »

scorehead wrote:Has anyone noticed that John Carpenter is getting an overhaul this year? First "Assault on Precint 13," gets updated and now "The Fog" is slated for a face lift.

What's going on - the next thing you know they'll be doing a remake of "Halloween." Oh... never mind.


Is there a Thing remake up yet? How about remakes of the Escape from NY/LA films? Don't worry...I'm sure they'll happen before too long... :roll:

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#7 Post by romanD »

the thing gets a sequel I heard... maybe just a TV sequel... well, can be nice

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#8 Post by AndyDursin »

THE THING is a Sci-Fi Channel mini-series supposedly for later this year or 2006 (they've already remade ANDROMEDA STRAIN and something else that just escapes me). Can't remember if they said it was going to be a new adaptation or tied in with the Carpenter movie somehow.......I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a new adaptation of that story but I might be wrong.

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#9 Post by romanD »

yeah, that was what I heard.Im pretty sure it is a sequel... they find the two survivors and take them on a submarine, where of course one of them turns out to be the alien and the horror starts a new...

well, I always thought one of the reasons why the movie is so scary because of the make up effects and transformations, which now of course will be cgi, which will look a lot less scary and bloody I guess.

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#10 Post by Monterey Jack »

Im not sure why some people are upset at the idea of remaking/sequelizing Carpenter's The Thing, as it was a remake itself. :? If there can be three versions of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, why not The Thing? And as for the new version of The Fog, the original is fun, but hardly a classic. I'd be willing to give the remake a shot.

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#11 Post by AndyDursin »

I dont have a problem with a new version of THE THING per has been over 20 years and you're right that it's a story adapted several times a la BODY SNATCHERS.

My problem is that it seems we're getting a glut of these things all over the map. THE EVIL DEAD? THE HITCHER? THE FOG? At some point, is EVERY '80s horror movie going to be remade?

The other issue is, unlike years ago when remakes were turned out back in the '50s, '60s, etc., the original versions weren't in the public eye, so to speak. Nobody had video and it wasn't as if films were shown every day on a hundred cable channels. I think a remake was more valid back then because chances are few people had seen the original it was based on (or at least the next generation of viewers likely wasn't familiar with it).

These days it's an ENTIRELY different ball game. People watch, rewatch movies on DVD all the time. Movies are shown over and over again on TV and cable. THE EVIL DEAD has a fan base that continues to watch the original and it's released on DVD in a new edition every few months. Even THE THING is still fresh with many viewers, who watched the DVD, played the recent video game, etc.

If you're going to do a remake, why do it of movies only 20 years old? That are still fresh in a lot of fans' conciousness? That's my question with what we're seeing here.

It's like the E.T. re-release they did a few years ago -- I love the movie, but they made a huge error in judgment in terms of timing it. They wanted to release it to a "new generation" of fans, but the problem is in 20 years, few people who were kids back then HAVE their own kids yet (at least I don't, and I just turned 30). It would have made sense to do it on the 25th or, hell, even the 30th Anniversary. THAT would have been a "new generation." As it was, they marketed the film to people old enough to own the videos, but who have basically yet to start their own family -- or if they have, their kids aren't old enough to enjoy it.

These remakes, I just can't see them so soon after they've been released. THE HITCHER in particular wasn't even made 20 years ago. I guess you could use the argument that it wasn't a huge hit, and therefore people don't know it, me, it just shows they're all running out of ideas, when THIS many movies are now on the docket for being remade.

It'd be interesting to see if at any point in modern cinema if this many remakes had ever been planned before.

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#12 Post by Neo Rasa »

The Fog was a remake too. Original is so horrendous it's not even worth seeing.

I wouldn't mind another Thing movie. Both are based on a pretty cool little story (which Carpenter's version is actually more accurate to) and it would be nice to see yet another take on it.

The cheesy (though initially promising) Thing video game is, unfortunately, the canonical sequel to the movie. I don't have the articles to back that up offhand but Carpenter and other people basically made it so.

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#13 Post by Monterey Jack »

I'll grant you the proposed remake of Hitcher (which I just discovered for the first time a few months ago) is pretty uneccesary, as the '86 original isn't dated in any particular way (unlike a lot of it's 80's genre brethren). Plus, a young Jennifer Jason Leigh! :P That said, 20+ years offers enough distance, both culturally and in advances in F/X technology, to dust off some old favorites and see what a new vision would look like. Philip Kaufman's terrifying '78 version of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, like Carpenter's The Thing, is, in many ways, superior to it's predecessor (and Abel Ferrera's '94 Body Snatchers is also very respectable), and Zack Snyder's recent re-do of Dawn Of The Dead was one of the best studio horror films in recent memory (sorry, Andy, but facts are facts). A new version of The Fog might be fun because, as I said before, the Carpenter version is good, but has it's flaws. So long as the new version has some of that creepy Dean Cundey atmophere, why not? Plus, if a remake sucks, you always have the right to simply ignore it (unlike the far more insidious practice of directors going back and, decades after the fact, tinkering with ther own films, often denying fans access to the original cuts). Hey, it at least draws some attention back to the original film, right?

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#14 Post by AndyDursin »

The Fog was a remake too. Original is so horrendous it's not even worth seeing.
It's a remake?

I thought the only thing remade in THE FOG was the fact they had to reshoot whole parts of it after it didn't turn out so well the first time.

I've never heard it was adapted from another source...

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#15 Post by AndyDursin »

I'll grant you the proposed remake of Hitcher (which I just discovered for the first time a few months ago) is pretty uneccesary, as the '86 original isn't dated in any particular way (unlike a lot of it's 80's genre brethren). Plus, a young Jennifer Jason Leigh!
There's a great 2-disc DVD Special Edition available in the UK for THE HITCHER with commentaries and documentary materials. That's a nifty flick well-done on many levels.

Too bad the same director's recent follow up -- HIGHWAYMEN -- was so utterly lame (and it had a decent trailer, too!).

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