INDIANA JONES & THE DIAL OF DESTINY To Rival "John Carter" As Disney's Biggest Bomb

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - Harrison Ford Takes a Hiatus After Injury

#16 Post by AndyDursin »

I love the press continually pumping up the cast too in these stories on the film, like Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Mads Mikkelson are matinee idols that are going to sell a lot of tickets (or anyone even cares they're in an Indiana Jones movie).

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - Harrison Ford Takes a Hiatus After Injury

#17 Post by AndyDursin »

Things sound like they're going GREAT. :lol:
More Changes for Indiana Jones 5 as Glasgow Becomes New York

In January of this year, James Mangold had essentially foretold that parts of Indiana Jones 5 would take place in New York. With New York a much easier place to film, in due to continued pandemic restrictions and an eager economy ready to bring in the movie industry once more, it seemed like a great spot for filming Indy. Now, however, after a two week pause in non-ancillary filming, Glasgow in Scotland is going to have to become the Big Apple.

Just as we have reported about Indiana Jones featuring space race narratives, we’re now seeing that Glasgow is being retroactively turned into 1960s New York complete with nods to the crew of Apollo 11. In essence, our reporting on supposed leaks for the Indiana Jones film are coming more and more true. It does seem that at least elements of the leak were spot-on in a way that would have been difficult without legitimate script information.

Now as many of our readers know, Harrison Ford was more severely injured than previously detailed by Disney. And yes, we are told by sources that Ford had surgery and is still in a sling. Previously we had reported that this could delay the production by 6-8 weeks, and Grace Randolph of Beyond the Trailer was reporting the same from her sources. Now, however, there are two things we’re hearing from backchannels. The first is that Harrison Ford will continue filming scenes in which they can obscure the sling, in the way that you might film around a pregnancy for a role that doesn’t feature the character being with child. Then a double will be used when necessary in body shots. The second thing is that a sources says they may be retrofitting the script to have Indiana Jones in a sling in parts of a movie due to some injury put into the film.

You might say that those statements are in conflict, but I’m not so sure. I either think that the sources may be reporting on two strategies the filmmakers will deploy, or I think that it may represent a change in strategy with one having been adopted over the other at some point. You have to remember, they weren’t expecting Harrison Ford to be injured so badly that they would cease filming on a movie already trying to thread a needle timewise.

However, as filming may resume in the weeks ahead in greatly modified fashion, I’m told action sequences featuring Harrison Ford are either pushed to the very end of the filming or completely out the window. And just as James Mangold struck up a confrontational tone with fans, so too has his production manner burned through the good will of the local peoples where he’s filming. It’s gotten so bad that local news articles are quoting townspeople around the filming locales as calling it a “living hell”. You’ve really gotta work hard to get people that riled up in such a short amount of time. ... -new-york/

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - Harrison Ford Takes a Hiatus After Injury

#18 Post by AndyDursin »

I honestly don't care about this plot being "spoiled" so might as well have fun speculating. Here are a couple of videos that detail some leaks -- which apparently connect with the photos that are circulating of both WWII and '60s settings.

This one includes a lot of set photos and how they connect with the alleged leak (time travel, Ford "de-aging" tech being used, which explains the WWII and '60s settings):

Meanwhile, this guy divulges the main plot and the two endings -- which fans are gonna HATE if this is real -- at about the 10 minute mark. No wonder Spielberg bailed!

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#20 Post by mkaroly »

I honestly have no intention of seeing this

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#21 Post by Monterey Jack »

If Solo was any indication, NO ONE wants to see Ford hand one of his beloved frachise characters off to a successor, so I don't know why Disney is strongarming him into injuring himself at nearly the age of EIGHTY just for a fifth entry in a series that should have ended with Last Crusade. :? Disney wouldn't be making this at all if they didn't have plans for continuing with the character, and I don't want to see some lightweight like Chris Pratt smarming it up as Doctor Jones. Ford brought a lot of humor to the character, but he also lent it a great deal of lived-in GRAVITAS I can't imagine a modern actor evoking. He gave you the sense that he had LIVED in that costume for decades, even when playing the role for the first time in Raiders. And it's not "ageism" to say he's Too Old for the rough & tumble rigors of past roles...he broke his leg making The Force Awakens, and now his arm is in a sling for Indy 5, which will throw the entire schedule of an expensive movie out of whack while he recovers. My dad retired from his job about a decade ago, and I wouldn't want to see him go back into the workforce at the age of eighty when he's EARNED his retirement many times over.

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#22 Post by AndyDursin »

The sheer fact this movie apparently has a brazenly outlandish sci-fi plot involving time travel and a de-aged "young Indy" after the failure of CRYSTAL SKULL is all the evidence you need that this is going to be another stupid Kathleen Kennedy/Disney product. One that's more invested in playing to the Marvel audience than its source material.

Just remember Spielberg walked off this film -- and he said YES to CRYSTAL SKULL!
Disney wouldn't be making this at all if they didn't have plans for continuing with the character, and I don't want to see some lightweight like Chris Pratt smarming it up as Doctor Jones.
Sounds like you won't have to worry about that -- we're going to get Phoebe Waller-Bridge as a woke lead going forward after this (assuming there are any sequels). And maybe a cameo from CGI Indy if you're lucky! :mrgreen:

My bet is INDIANA JONES becomes a "brand" instead of a character -- assuming people want to watch a feminist archeologist swashbuckler.

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#23 Post by Eric W. »

You know that's what's going to happen. This thing is going to have woke hallmarks.

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#24 Post by Monterey Jack »

Antonio Banderas joins the cast, which is a point in its favor. Indy vs. Zorro...? :)

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#25 Post by AndyDursin »

20 years ago that might've been something. :D

That's late in the game. I wonder if someone else bailed. Or they're adding someone to cover for Ford's unavailabity.

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#26 Post by AndyDursin »

Great to know one of the writers of SPECTRE worked on this script.

It gets better and better!

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#27 Post by Paul MacLean »

But at least "de-aged" Ford won't have to suffer the indignation looking like an old codger in the action scenes, like DeNiro...

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - NYC Shoot Scrubbed, Ford's Action Scenes "May Be Axed"

#28 Post by AndyDursin »

The most hilarious "beatdown" in history. :lol:

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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - Harrison Ford Being Replaced for "Much of the Production"

#29 Post by AndyDursin »

"This movie is gonna be great!" - said nobody ever. :lol:

Plus, check out the "wrap around mask" they're making some double wear :lol:


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Re: INDIANA JONES 5 - Harrison Ford Being Replaced for "Much of the Production"

#30 Post by Monterey Jack »

Ugh. :( Ford was barely able to stand up to the rigors of returning to the role in Crystal Skull, and he was "only" 65 when he made that. How depressing that 65 now seems downright spry compared to a nearly EIGHTY-YEAR-OLD MAN injuring himself on the set of a major production and the prodicers having to give him the big-budget Bela Lugosi treatment. :lol:

Watching this is gonna be like watching the theatrical cut of Justice League and trying to spot Henry Cavill's de-mustache'd upper lip throughout.

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